Protecting forests to benefit biodiversity

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États Sauvages
Action zones

The project

Etats Sauvages works to preserve the biodiversity of French forests. The association acquires forests that are then left to evolve freely, creating true refuges for living things, and involves citizens in their protection.
of France's forest area is used for wood production
5 000
are potentially present in a small temperate forest
145 000
of forests in mainland France are already protected by the Etats Sauvages association.


Etats Sauvages works to preserve the biodiversity of French forests. Through its action, the association is committed to protecting living things by purchasing forests that are then left to evolve freely. In this way, it contributes to creating refuges for numerous animal, plant and fungal species.

In order to mobilize and involve citizens in its actions, Etats Sauvages accompanies them in a discovery of the ecosystem to transform them into true Allies of the Forests.

Etats Sauvages has already acquired nearly 15 ha of forests in the Cantal, Vosges, Normandy and Ile-de-France regions. These forests have enabled the creation of biodiversity reserves and are now left to evolve freely.

New forest reserve project!
New forest reserve project!
Thanks to you, the ETATS SAUVAGES association is already preserving nearly 15 hectares of forest 🌳  in France. 4 reserves have already been created in Cantal, Vosges and last year in Normandy and Ile-de-France. In 2024, we are embarking on a major new adventure, an ambitious project for our young structure  

We have the opportunity to acquire a large 21-hectare forest 🌳 in a particularly fragile area recognized for its rich biodiversity. Located in a Natura 2000 zone, on sloping ground, it is situated on the majestic "Larzac foothills" subtly blending Caussenard and Mediterranean influences. Its topography combines limestone cliffs with valleys carved out by the river, creating an ecosystem with a great diversity of environments. An imposing landscape, shaped by the deep, narrow valley of the Lergue, where the forest-covered slopes of the hillsides are home to a rich biodiversity particularly favorable to bats and birds of prey. 

👉 We'll be sure to keep you posted on the follow-up to this fine project.
A wild Pitch for associations!
A wild Pitch for associations!
Boosting projects that do good for the planet, that's the helping hand of Frédéric Mazzella's Pioneers program on BFM Business. And on May 17, 2024, ETATS SAUVAGES took the spotlight! 

Sophie, an ultra-committed volunteer came to defend our colors and actions in favor of forests 🌳 in 1min30: quite a challenge! 💪 

It's obviously [much] too short to get across everything we do at ETATS SAUVAGES to preserve biodiversity 🌾🦊🦇🐝🌳🍄 

It's also a fascinating exercise that forces us to condense and get back to the heart of our mission: 
📌 Raising awareness of today's major environmental issues 
📌 Protecting the living in our forests 🌳 [but not only] 
See you on BFM Business in the program Les Pionniers to discover the pitch! 

The money will be used for

  • Create new forest reserves for the living
  • Conserve active and resilient carbon sinks
  • Curb the erosion of biodiversity in French forests by protecting the most vulnerable species
  • Raise public awareness of the proper functioning of the forest ecosystem
  • Make the public actors in the preservation of biodiversity so that they become guardians of good practices

3 € = 10 m² of French forest protected

already funded
1281 difts
Why we love it?

At a time when our CO2 emissions are still far too high, and over 90% of France's forests are used for timber production, Etats Sauvages has set itself the mission of buying up forests in order to leave them to evolve in peace, and thus preserve as much biodiversity as possible.

The best way to preserve life is to do nothing... and it's much cheaper than trying to recreate what we've destroyed.
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Julie de Saint Blanquat
Founding President
Captain Cause gem
2024 promotion
États Sauvages is a certified association meeting these six criteria:
Financial stability
Systemic impact
Earned labels
Finaliste des Rencontres pour la Planète de 1% for the Planet label
Sustainable development goals
More infos
Align customer loyalty and solidarity.
Let's start!