Forest preservation and the fight against deforestation

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Coeur de Forêt
Action zones

The project

Cœur de Forêt works on the ground, with local communities, to eradicate forest degradation at its roots, by giving everyone the power to act to preserve them.
of the world's deforestation is linked to agriculture
trees planted in Bolivia, France, Indonesia and Madagascar
of French forests are privately owned


Cœur de Forêt works on a daily basis to give everyone the means to take action to preserve forests. Convinced that an alternative to deforestation is possible, the association accompanies populations towards an economic valorization that preserves forests and favors human development by refusing preconceived ideas and not hesitating to get off the beaten track to build solutions adapted to the reality of the issues at stake. Its priority is to take concrete action on the ground to collectively create the momentum for positive change.

Cœur de forêt leads reforestation campaigns and supports farmers towards agroforestry and forest owners towards sustainable management of their forests. The association also conducts awareness-raising campaigns among local populations to sensitize them to the challenges of forest preservation, and develops fair trade channels on its international projects while promoting the French timber industry through short circuits.

Four trained nurserymen tell their stories!
Four trained nurserymen tell their stories!
Meet four nurserymen trained and accompanied on our project in Madagascar. In 2 minutes, they share with you their strong attachment to the reforestation of their island.

An immersion to understand the rapid impact of our reforestation strategies: the planting models with the integration of a diversity of tree species, the benefits of the nursery profession for the populations and the improvement of the landscape that these beneficiaries instill around them. 

You'll see, the number of trees planted on the counter of these four people is already impressive. And they want to go even further!
Winter season 2024 Coeur de Forêt France Sud-Ouest: between challenges and achievements
Winter season 2024 Coeur de Forêt France Sud-Ouest: between challenges and achievements
The 2024 winter season proved a challenging one, not least because of our dependence on the weather. Abundant rainfall, punctuated by brief periods of cold, but remarkably mild weather, made it more complex to carry out our planned work. Although rainfall is essential, its abundance has sometimes necessitated the postponement of certain cuttings and plantings to preserve soil integrity. Despite these obstacles, our team remains determined to complete our missions.
The winter season was marked by the completion of several important projects. Notably, we planted 23,300 trees at 30 forest owners' sites, in a variety of contexts such as agricultural land or reforestation areas.
We undertook improvement work on 18 hectares of woodland, providing a much-needed boost to the move towards continuous-canopy mixed silviculture, following the adage of the experts who conceptualized it: "Copy nature, hasten her work". We also supported 8 forest owners in their silvicultural approaches, in collaboration with 6 local contractors. 

The money will be used for

Your donation will help fund actions that: 
  • respond globally to the challenges of deforestation and forest preservation;
  • restore degraded ecosystems and preserve biodiversity;
  • fight against deforestation (support for farmers, awareness campaigns and development of fair trade channels).

4 € = 1 sponsored tree

already funded
1701 difts
Why we love it?

In France and around the world, Cœur de Forêt sets up intelligent projects that always start from needs identified in the field, to offer a holistic, high-impact response to a global problem.

Captain Cause gem
2024 promotion
Coeur de Forêt is a certified association meeting these six criteria:
Financial stability
Systemic impact
Earned labels
Finaliste des Rencontres pour la Planète de 1% for the Planet label
Sustainable development goals
Align customer loyalty and solidarity.
Let's start!