Access to drinking water for vulnerable populations thanks to social entrepreneurship

1001fontaines logo
2,544lifelong access to drinking water for one person funded
1287 difts
10 € = 1 lifelong access to drinking water for one person
Why we love it?

Increased living standards, reduced illness, less absenteeism from school, lower CO2 emissions and, quite simply, access to the most vital resource of all: it's hard to think of more positive impacts on Cambodia's disadvantaged populations than 1001fontaines!

The project

International solidarityFood
1001fontaines provides a proven, sustainable model for accelerating access to drinking water for all.
356 000
had free access to drinking water at school in 2023
1 million
of beneficiaries
in Cambodia, our first country of operation
Water Kiosks
deployed in rural Cambodia, providing access to drinking water for vulnerable populations


Today, 2 billion people in the world still have no access to drinking water. The targets set by the UN for 2030 for universal access to drinking water seem unattainable, especially for people living in rural, often isolated areas. Investing in innovative, effective and sustainable solutions such as 1001fontaines is the only way to achieve SDG 6.

1001fontaines develops and deploys sustainable solutions for access to drinking water for vulnerable populations. 1001fontaines' model breaks the circle of poverty on a village scale: the association creates small drinking water production stations (water kiosks) in rural villages in developing countries, then trains local entrepreneurs to manage them. They then resell the water at less than 2 cents per liter, a price recommended by the WHO, which enables even the most vulnerable households to obtain drinking water.

Journée Mondiale de l'Eau
Chers mécènes Captain Cause, 

La Journée mondiale de l'eau, célébrée chaque année le 22 mars, est une initiative des Nations Unies qui met en lumière l'importance de l'eau potable et encourage l'action pour résoudre la crise mondiale de l'eau. 
Coordonnée par ONU-Eau et dirigée par des membres et partenaires mandatés, elle vise notamment à soutenir la réalisation de l'Objectif de développement durable 6, qui vise à garantir l'accès à l'eau et à l'assainissement pour tous d'ici 2030.

Depuis 20 ans, grâce au soutien de nos mécènes et partenaires, 1001fontaines élabore et déploie des solutions pour permettre l’accès à l’eau potable aux populations vulnérables. La qualité de l’eau est garantie de la production jusqu’au point de consommation et son prix est abordable, rendant le service accessible à tous et toutes : 
  • 💧 Au Cambodge, 330 entrepreneurs 1001fontaines fournissent aujourd'hui une eau potable conforme aux normes de l'OMS, atteignant ainsi plus d'un million de consommateurs dans les zones rurales.
  • 💧 A Madagascar, 1001fontaines est présente en zone urbaine où une usine de production d'eau potable dessert des points de vente décentralisés, au plus près des foyers des populations vulnérables.

En ce jour si spécial, toute notre équipe vous remercie chaleureusement pour votre soutien 💙
Journée Mondiale de l'Eau
Over a million lives transformed thanks to you!
Dear patrons, 

After reaching one million beneficiaries in all our countries of intervention in March, we closed 2023 in style by reaching one million beneficiaries in Cambodia, our first country of intervention.
💧A total of 231 million liters of drinking water were thus produced and distributed in 2023 in Cambodia, Vietnam and Madagascar by 1001fontaines.

All our teams would like to express their gratitude for your invaluable support. Each of your difts has enabled us to provide lifelong access to drinking water for vulnerable populations. 

We're counting on your support to extend our impact to even more beneficiaries in 2024!

💙 1001 mercis 💙 
Over a million lives transformed thanks to you!

The money will be used for

- Financing the construction of Water Kiosks in rural Cambodia;
- Training a local entrepreneur to manage a Water Kiosk;
- Improving the health of thousands of people through access to safe drinking water;
- Providing free drinking water in schools around Water Kiosks.
Certified by Captain Cause
Financial stability
Systemic impact
Sustainable development goals
More infos
Align customer loyalty and solidarity.
Let's start!