Access to drinking water for vulnerable populations thanks to social entrepreneurship

Journée Mondiale de l'Eau update

Journée Mondiale de l'Eau

Chers mécènes Captain Cause, 

La Journée mondiale de l'eau, célébrée chaque année le 22 mars, est une initiative des Nations Unies qui met en lumière l'importance de l'eau potable et encourage l'action pour résoudre la crise mondiale de l'eau. 
Coordonnée par ONU-Eau et dirigée par des membres et partenaires mandatés, elle vise notamment à soutenir la réalisation de l'Objectif de développement durable 6, qui vise à garantir l'accès à l'eau et à l'assainissement pour tous d'ici 2030.

Depuis 20 ans, grâce au soutien de nos mécènes et partenaires, 1001fontaines élabore et déploie des solutions pour permettre l’accès à l’eau potable aux populations vulnérables. La qualité de l’eau est garantie de la production jusqu’au point de consommation et son prix est abordable, rendant le service accessible à tous et toutes : 
  • 💧 Au Cambodge, 330 entrepreneurs 1001fontaines fournissent aujourd'hui une eau potable conforme aux normes de l'OMS, atteignant ainsi plus d'un million de consommateurs dans les zones rurales.
  • 💧 A Madagascar, 1001fontaines est présente en zone urbaine où une usine de production d'eau potable dessert des points de vente décentralisés, au plus près des foyers des populations vulnérables.

En ce jour si spécial, toute notre équipe vous remercie chaleureusement pour votre soutien 💙

Over a million lives transformed thanks to you!

Dear patrons, 

After reaching one million beneficiaries in all our countries of intervention in March, we closed 2023 in style by reaching one million beneficiaries in Cambodia, our first country of intervention.
💧A total of 231 million liters of drinking water were thus produced and distributed in 2023 in Cambodia, Vietnam and Madagascar by 1001fontaines.

All our teams would like to express their gratitude for your invaluable support. Each of your difts has enabled us to provide lifelong access to drinking water for vulnerable populations. 

We're counting on your support to extend our impact to even more beneficiaries in 2024!

💙 1001 mercis 💙 

1001 thanks to all our sponsors! update

1001 thanks to all our sponsors!

Dear Captain Cause patrons!

3 months have passed and we're delighted to share with you the new advances and achievements of 1001fontaines.
Many advances and achievements have occurred, which we proudly share. Among the most significant news, we are particularly proud to share with you some great news! 
> After reaching 1 million beneficiaries in March in all our countries, we are now on track to bring clean drinking water to 1 million people in our first country of intervention: Cambodia! This achievement marks a significant milestone since inception thanks to this tremendous impact.

<> Last September, we published our first-half 2023 report, highlighting the impact of our initiatives in the first six months of 2023 in our four focus countries. You can discover it here.

> Think-thank IRC WASH conducted a study on the Cambodian water access model developed by 1001fontaines and Teuk Saat 1001. This analysis, published last August, praised the approach of our community-based water-bottle service model, which delivers safe drinking water on a large scale and in a sustainable way to rural populations. Consult the IRC WASH study.

The entire 1001fontaines team sends out a big thank you for your invaluable support, because without you, none of this would be possible! So 1001 thanks to all our patrons 💙

News from 1001fontaines!

Hello to all our Captain Cause patrons! 😊
The entire 1001fontaines team sends you 1001 thanks for your support! Thanks to you, we're making progress every day towards a world where everyone will have sustainable access to affordable, quality water. 

A lot has happened since our last exchange in April, and we're proud to share it: 

💧 Veasna, our project manager in Cambodia, presented the kiosk 2.0 that's under construction. More ergonomic and connected, the kiosk of the future will enable more in-depth monitoring of water quality and production. Visit it on video !

💧 In Madagascar, we conducted a survey of 260 people. The results highlighted the importance of our drinking water service. Learn more here.

💧 In May, we published our Annual Report 2022, tracing the impact of our action in our four countries of operation. You can read it here.

We would like to express our sincere thanks for your support, without which none of this would have been possible! 💙

1 million beneficiaries! update

1 million beneficiaries!

Hello to all our Captain Cause patrons! Many thanks for your support, which is helping to accelerate access to drinking water for vulnerable populations and generate a virtuous circle to help lift them out of poverty. 

Among our recent news, we have some great news to share with you: last March, we surpassed one million beneficiaries with perennial access to drinking water! This water is essential for the most vulnerable populations: it reduces the risk of disease and keeps people healthy, freeing up time to go to school and work, all for better economic development.

By 2025, our goal is to double the number of beneficiaries, reaching 2 million people. With every new water kiosk we open, 4,000 people gain sustainable access to drinking water, including 1,000 schoolchildren with our "Water In School" program.

All this wouldn't be possible without you, 1001 thanks for your support :)

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