Support to protect vulnerable young people from homelessness

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Chapitre 2
Action zones

The project

Chapter 2 helps young people in vulnerable situations to become self-sufficient.
vulnerable young people
supported by our programs in 2023
homeless people
are former foster children
of supported young people who took part in the Côte à Côte program
say they have more self-confidence


To prevent these young people from tipping over into the streets, Chapitre 2 therefore offers 360° support so that we can respond to their needs in a personalized way.

The association's actions therefore include:

  • From housing: we have at our disposal two houses to accommodate young people in a wandering situation
  • From financial support tailor-made and unconditional: for young people with no resources and no support, who cannot benefit from any assistance
  • From professional integration support (orientation, training, coaching): for young people wishing to enter working life
  • From social support: for young people without support and facing difficulties in accessing rights (access to health, housing, employment...)
  • From social networking: for isolated young people, to develop their network, positive identification references and soft skills (essential for successful social and professional integration)

40 young people coached, 30 activities organized and 40 young people supported in their quest for independence: a look back at the first quarter of 2024! 🚀
40 young people coached, 30 activities organized and 40 young people supported in their quest for independence: a look back at the first quarter of 2024! 🚀
Forty or so young people are currently being supported by volunteers in their projects for professional integration (looking for internships, work-study schemes, jobs, etc.). Great successes are already to be celebrated, as around ten of them have already managed to achieve their goal since January! 🥳

Collective meetings have been very busy since the start of the school year, with some thirty activities on offer. With (among others) a painting activity, a visit to the Centre Pompidou and a cinema outing to the Grand Rex, the creation of links between young people was on the agenda 🧡
There are currently 80 pairs involved in the Côte à Côte social link program... and requests from young people to participate are still coming in!

So too is social support: 40 young people are currently being supported in their efforts to achieve autonomy (accommodation, civil status and access to residency procedures, mobility, health, daily life, well-being and social ties) by Victoire and Juliette, our two social workers. We continue to offer financial support to destitute young people, and toaccommodate around ten young people in wandering situations in the two houses made available to us while they stabilize their situation.

So business is in full swing, and we're continuing to do everything we can to support vulnerable young people as best we can towards independence!

Another big thank you to you for your invaluable support, which enables us to fund our various actions on behalf of young people 🧡
17,000 €, that's crazy crazy crazy! 🤩
17,000 €, that's crazy crazy crazy! 🤩
A huge thank you to you, our Captains, for your generosity: your difts enabled us to raise nearly €17,000, it's crazy crazy crazy! 🤩 

To give you a small idea of the impact this represents, it's the equivalent, on average, of one month's financial support for 57 vulnerable young people without resources! 

Your action therefore makes a very concrete contribution to preventing these young people from breaking off and tipping over into exclusion: the financial support enables them to meet their basic needs while they stabilize their situation. 🧡 

A look back at what's been going on with us 👀 
The last few months have been VERY busy and full of good news for the young people we support, our volunteers and our team... 

A recap of the big news? 

🚀 A merger, to provide even better support for young people 
In December, we merged with the Capitales association, which had been offering vocational integration support programs to young people in the care of the Aide Sociale à l'Enfance for over 30 years.
We decided to join forces to form a new organization and bring together our various youth programs: Chapitre 2. 
The mission of this new asso? Accompany vulnerable young people towards autonomy, by working on their social and professional integration. 
This merger enables us to propose a comprehensive offer to young people, and to create virtuous bridges between our different schemes (social support, social ties, professional integration, etc...). 
The 2024 objective: to accompany ever more vulnerable young people towards autonomy! 💪 

💯 New recruits to our crack team 
January was synonymous with new arrivals for the Chapter 2 team: we had the pleasure of welcoming 4 new Service Civique volunteers to take over from the volunteers who have already been supporting us for several months and who will be flying off to new adventures very soon (😢), as well as a part-time student to reinforce the "operations" part of the asso. 

The money will be used for

The money raised will be used to fund our various schemes to support even more young people.

Some average monetary equivalents:

  • Accommodation: €200 per month per young person;
  • Financial support: €300 per month per young person;
  • Social and professional support: €150 per month per young person
  • Social link: €100 per month per young person.

So a total of 750 € per month per young person for 360° support.

25 € = 1 360° support day

already funded
541 difts
Why we love it?

Chapitre 2 is a young association full of energy and conviction that supports young people in difficulty and achieves excellent results in their empowerment and integration.

For vulnerable young people, Chapter 2 is a springboard, a point of reference, a "sure thing" that acts as a link between and with institutional players, enabling them to access smooth, seamless paths.
Victoire Rumin
Social worker
Captain Cause gem
2024 promotion
Chapitre 2 is a certified association meeting these six criteria:
Financial stability
Systemic impact
Sustainable development goals
More infos
Align customer loyalty and solidarity.
Let's start!