Financial and social support for the integration of young adults

17,000 €, that's crazy crazy crazy! 🤩 update

17,000 €, that's crazy crazy crazy! 🤩

A huge thank you to you, our Captains, for your generosity: your difts enabled us to raise nearly €17,000, it's crazy crazy crazy! 🤩 
To give you a small idea of the impact this represents, it's the equivalent, on average, of one month's financial support for 57 vulnerable young people without resources! 
Your action therefore makes a very concrete contribution to preventing these young people from breaking off and tipping over into exclusion: the financial support enables them to meet their basic needs while they stabilize their situation. 🧡 
A look back at what's been going on with us 👀 
The last few months have been VERY busy and full of good news for the young people we support, our volunteers and our team... 

A recap of the big news? 
🚀 A merger, to provide even better support for young people 
In December, we merged with the Capitales association, which had been offering vocational integration support programs to young people in the care of the Aide Sociale à l'Enfance for over 30 years.
We decided to join forces to form a new organization and bring together our various youth programs: Chapitre 2. 
The mission of this new asso? Accompany vulnerable young people towards autonomy, by working on their social and professional integration. 
This merger enables us to propose a comprehensive offer to young people, and to create virtuous bridges between our different schemes (social support, social ties, professional integration, etc...). 
The 2024 objective: to accompany ever more vulnerable young people towards autonomy! 💪 
💯 New recruits to our crack team 
January was synonymous with new arrivals for the Chapter 2 team: we had the pleasure of welcoming 4 new Service Civique volunteers to take over from the volunteers who have already been supporting us for several months and who will be flying off to new adventures very soon (😢), as well as a part-time student to reinforce the "operations" part of the asso. 
The 2024 team is now complete and ready for the new adventure that is Chapter 2 🥳
Thank you again to everyone for your support, so precious for access to autonomy for young people in vulnerable situations! 🧡
PS: The recurrence of donations is essential to sustain our actions. If you'd like to continue your commitment to us, you can make a one-off or regular donation via this form!

10 young people housed in accommodation made available to us! 🏡 update

10 young people housed in accommodation made available to us! 🏡

Since the start of the new school year, we've had two houses at our disposal to house homeless young people accompanied by the association.
A one-year provision, in partnership with Stirrup
Stirrup, a matchmaking platform that secures the loan of vacant housing to mutual aid associations, is our partner on this project. The owners of the houses are making them available to us, for the young people we are accompanying, for the next twelve months.
Located in Conflans-Sainte-Honorine, very close to the station, the two houses are semi-detached. They are home to five young women and five young men, who were previously homeless.
Housing young people: a first (big) step towards integration
As housing is one of the first needs to be covered for successful integration, we are delighted to be able to offer this solution to the young people we support. These accommodations enable them to get out of a daily emergency situation, and stabilize their situation to focus on their social support and their project.
Furnishings and rules of living
To welcome the young people with dignity into these homes, which we recovered empty, we had to fully furnish the two houses and carry out some work.
The two houses are now habitable, and rules of living have been put in place to facilitate cohabitation between the young people.

Before the vacations, some news from the association's youngsters! ☀️

The school year is coming to an end... so are training registrations! 🎓

Thanks to the support of Victoire, our Intervention Manager, several young people have recently learned that they have been accepted for sandwich courses next year 🎉

This news is the result of intense support work at the end of this year, but it is also full of meaning as it means that these young people will, from next year :
  • 🎓 A professional training course,
  • 💶 A salary that will enable them to be financially independent, 
  • 🪪 For those who didn't have one, a student residence permit.

We wish them all success and fulfillment in their training! 🫶
Our social bonding scheme, Côte à Côte, has also seen a few pairs bring their participation in the program to a close in recent weeks.

As a reminder, this horizontal mentoring program concludes with the successful completion of a project led by both members of a pair.
Some examples of the great projects recently implemented: 
  • 🚲 Clémence and Aicha decided to realize, together, Aicha's dream: learning to ride a bike. After several lessons with Clémence, Aicha gained in confidence and was able to fulfill this ambition. We wish them all the best on their bike rides!

  • 🎨 Mahamadou and Maxime decided to work together to create a project, each using their own qualities: an exhibition followed by a group time at our premises. Mahamadou, who has a passion for drawing, created several works and prepared a workshop to discover different techniques. Maxime, for his part, was in charge of managing the project (organization, materials, invitations, etc.). A great success for this pair!" 

To help us support as many vulnerable young adults as possible in their path to integration, don't hesitate to make a donation! 🧡

Des nouvelles des jeunes en 2023... et notre équipe qui s'agrandit ! ☀️ update

Des nouvelles des jeunes en 2023... et notre équipe qui s'agrandit ! ☀️

Des nouvelles d'un jeune anciennement à la rue, aujourd'hui relogé et bientôt en CDI ! 🥳

Badra est un jeune en situation de rupture familiale que Tirelires d'Avenir a accompagné ces derniers mois. Lorsqu'il a sollicité le soutien de l'association, il poursuivait tant bien que mal une formation alors qu'il était à la rue, sans logement.
Tirelires d'Avenir lui a permis de trouver son premier logement en FJT (Foyer Jeune Travailleur) et lui a versé une aide financière de 250 € par mois (soit 50% de son loyer) le temps que sa situation se stabilise.
Aujourd'hui, Badra a terminé sa formation, trouvé un CDD, et nous a récemment fait part du fait qu'il allait être renouvelé en CDI !
Une belle preuve que notre soutien social et financier participe à empêcher le basculement vers la précarité des jeunes sans soutien et encourage leur accès à l'autonomie. 🤩
Un grand merci à tous nos mécènes et Captains qui nous permettent de poursuivre nos actions auprès des jeunes majeurs vulnérables ! 🙏

Notre équipe s'est agrandie ! ☀️
Ces derniers mois, nous avons eu le plaisir de voir grandir notre équipe : nous avons souhaité la bienvenue à Giulia, Ethan et Matias, qui viennent renforcer le suivi de notre programme de lien social, Côte à Côte, ainsi qu'à Louise, qui est chargée de commercialiser notre outil de sensibilisation à la problématique de la rue, la Fresque de la Rue. 

2 mois de soutien financier offerts par nos Captains ! update

2 mois de soutien financier offerts par nos Captains !

En 2022, nos Captains nous ont permis de récolter plus de 500€ : c'est l'équivalent, en moyenne, de deux mois de soutien financer pour les jeunes majeurs sans soutien familial. Cette somme est directement reversée aux jeunes accompagnés par Tirelires d'Avenir et sert à couvrir leurs besoins de base (nourriture, logement, transports...) afin qu'ils puissent se concentrer sur leur projet d'insertion. Un très grand merci pour eux !

Laura a reçu la totalité de l'aide proposée par Tirelires d'Avenir ! update

Laura a reçu la totalité de l'aide proposée par Tirelires d'Avenir !

Le financement sur Captain Cause nous a aidé à couvrir les besoins élémentaires de Laura sur 3 mois pour l'accompagner vers l'autonomie choisie. Nous avons donc pu lui verser une aide financière. Cette aide s'élevait à 1500 euros soit 500 euros par mois directement reversés à Laura. Cela lui a permis de payer son loyer, son forfait téléphonique et quelques courses pour pouvoir finir sa formation d'éducatrice de jeunes enfants. Pour rappel, Laura travaillait a mi-temps en plus de ses études, mais ses faibles revenus ne lui permettaient pas de subvenir à tous ses besoins de base. Le danger était donc qu'elle décroche de sa formation au profit d'un job alimentaire. Grâce à votre soutien, nous avons pu verser à Laura la totalité de l'aide qui lui était nécessaire. Elle a ainsi pu finir sa formation et rejoindre les jeunes qui sortent du dispositif d'aide financière en étant autonomes et épanouis.

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