A game to transmit the keys to thinking and undertaking differently

Pays de la Loire
459student(s) involved in the Faisons demain! project funded
29 difts
8 € = 1 student(s) involved in the Faisons demain! project
Why we love it?

Transmitting positive values from an early age, raising awareness of environmental, social and economic issues, and showing by example that you can set up a successful project inspired by all these things, is the best way to create vocations and convince people that another path is possible.


The current dominant economic model based on a depletion of natural resources and an accumulation of waste is no longer viable to ensure the sustainability of our societies. 

Faced with this observation, business leaders from the Pays de la Loire region created RUPTUR in 2018 to drive, accompany and build a creative, environmental and inclusive economy for the future of our children, a more responsible and sustainable economy for the territories. 

Ruptur will only take off if the next generations are involved. That's why the association wants to inspire and raise awareness of this new way of looking at our economy and entrepreneurship from an early age.


Through its collaborative program and game "Faisons demain", dedicated to schools: 

- RUPTUR accompanies the younger generations (middle schoolers, high schoolers, students in higher education) to carry out projects that take into account environmental, social and economic issues, carrying meaning;

- RUPTUR passes on to them a foundation of values and key questions accessible to all through a game kit based on the 9 foundations of the "Blue Economy", during a collaborative workshop provided by 2 volunteers from the association ;

- RUPTUR demonstrates in concrete terms that it's possible to create viable projects that respond to social and environmental values, by promoting examples of virtuous local businesses in its game and enabling young people to meet business leaders from its network!

Action and communication in the final quarter of 2023
Dear Captains,

Thanks to your support, the last quarter of 2023 has been rich in activity around our Faisons Demain project:
> We have raised awareness among 170 students and their teachers (in high schools and business schools), i.e. 10 3-hour workshops and 10 volunteers mobilized.
> We have created and broadcast on social networks a communication campaign targeted on Faisons Demain to make our actions more widely known and get new patrons on board by our side. Find it on the youtube link below and don't hesitate to share it!
> We have launched the recruitment of a Transmission Officer who will reinforce the team from 01/02 and will be 100% dedicated to the deployment and promotion of Faisons Demain in schools. We'll have the pleasure of telling you more in a few weeks!
<> Finally, we'll be experimenting with impact measurement tools in the coming months to assess the effectiveness and impact of our interventions with young people.

See you soon and thank you again for your support as 2023 draws to a close!! 
Action and communication in the final quarter of 2023
De Juin à Septembre : on prépare les ateliers de rentrée !
Chers Captains,

Durant ces 3 derniers mois, la plupart de nos étudiants étaient en congés ou ont repris progressivement le chemin de l'école.
L'équipe RUPTUR en a profité pour caler et préparer les ateliers de Septembre à Décembre. 7 sont déjà programmés dans les prochaines semaines et 19 potentiellement pour les 6 prochains mois !
Nous vous en parlerons plus en détail lors de notre prochain point trimestriel.
Nous avons des demandes d'établissements en attente dans les 3 départements (85, 44 et 49) et nous concentrons nos efforts (et nos demandes de mécénat) sur le projet Faison Demain avec l'ambition de recruter un chargé de projet à temps plein dès début 2024, d'augmenter notre communauté d'animateurs bénévoles et de professionnaliser nos supports d'animation !
De Juin à Septembre : on prépare les ateliers de rentrée !

The money will be used for

The money solicited by RUPTUR will help professionalize the game kit, making it more playful and interactive by drawing on the skills of expert designers. This will make it possible to publish the game in several copies, in sustainable, reusable, recyclable materials. 

The money raised will also make it possible to create events and communication actions around these transmission workshops. 

RUPTUR will finally be able to offer its workshops to a growing number of schools, by recruiting and training facilitators to help it carry out this mission.
Pays de la Loire
Certified by Captain Cause
Financial stability
Systemic impact
Sustainable development goals
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Let's start!