A game to transmit the keys to thinking and undertaking differently

Action and communication in the final quarter of 2023

Dear Captains,
Thanks to your support, the last quarter of 2023 has been rich in activity around our Faisons Demain project:
> We have raised awareness among 170 students and their teachers (in high schools and business schools), i.e. 10 3-hour workshops and 10 volunteers mobilized.
> We have created and broadcast on social networks a communication campaign targeted on Faisons Demain to make our actions more widely known and get new patrons on board by our side. Find it on the youtube link below and don't hesitate to share it!
> We have launched the recruitment of a Transmission Officer who will reinforce the team from 01/02 and will be 100% dedicated to the deployment and promotion of Faisons Demain in schools. We'll have the pleasure of telling you more in a few weeks!
<> Finally, we'll be experimenting with impact measurement tools in the coming months to assess the effectiveness and impact of our interventions with young people.
See you soon and thank you again for your support as 2023 draws to a close!! 

De Juin à Septembre : on prépare les ateliers de rentrée !  update

De Juin à Septembre : on prépare les ateliers de rentrée !

Chers Captains,
Durant ces 3 derniers mois, la plupart de nos étudiants étaient en congés ou ont repris progressivement le chemin de l'école.
L'équipe RUPTUR en a profité pour caler et préparer les ateliers de Septembre à Décembre. 7 sont déjà programmés dans les prochaines semaines et 19 potentiellement pour les 6 prochains mois !
Nous vous en parlerons plus en détail lors de notre prochain point trimestriel.
Nous avons des demandes d'établissements en attente dans les 3 départements (85, 44 et 49) et nous concentrons nos efforts (et nos demandes de mécénat) sur le projet Faison Demain avec l'ambition de recruter un chargé de projet à temps plein dès début 2024, d'augmenter notre communauté d'animateurs bénévoles et de professionnaliser nos supports d'animation !

5 new "Faisons Demain" workshops in 2 months

Dear Captains,
Thank you so much for choosing RUPTUR's "Faisons Demain" project aimed at the younger generation! Thanks to your support during the "Un cadeau pour la terre" operation, RUPTUR has launched 5 new workshops at 2 higher education establishments: ICAM Vendée and IUT de Nantes.In Vendée, 13 students and their teachers were introduced to a new way of thinking about projects and entrepreneurship, putting environmental issues, inclusion, local issues and the preservation of the commons at the heart of their thinking... 
A total of 73 students and their teachers were similarly introduced at the IUT de Nantes. 5 volunteers accompanied us and gave a total of 14H of their time to carry out these actions. 
Many other workshops are already scheduled, but we are already very grateful to you for having facilitated the realization of these first 5 since our presence on the Captain Cause platform!!
Good to you,
The RUPTUR team

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