Activities to raise awareness of environmental issues

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Fondation GoodPlanet


Because in the face of today's climate and environmental challenges it is urgent to act, we must build a more sustainable, more responsible and more united world for all!

At the GoodPlanet Foundation, day-to-day missions consist of providing knowledge on social and environmental issues and encouraging changes in behavior towards eco-responsible practices... all in a benevolent and positive way!


On the program: over 60 participatory workshops (Sustainable Agriculture & Food, Waste Reduction, Biodiversity Preservation, Cultures of the World, Energy & Climate, Water &; oceans), Exhibitions mixing art and science on biodiversity, Inspiring encounters, Concerts, Artistic shows, Conferences, Cinema screenings (films, documentaries...), Escape games on energy, etc.

Help the GoodPlanet Foundation rehabilitate the Mangrove in Tanakeke!
Help the GoodPlanet Foundation rehabilitate the Mangrove in Tanakeke!
Created in 2006 by the GoodPlanet Foundation, the "Action Carbone Solidaire" program's mission is to combat global warming by proposing sustainable and economically viable alternatives to polluting activities, for the benefit of the most disadvantaged populations. Each project systematically combines economic and social well-being with adaptation to environmental challenges.

Indonesia boasts the largest expanse of mangroves in the world. The country alone is home to a quarter of the world's mangroves (FAO, 2007). Following the aquaculture boom of the 1990s, Tanakeke Island lost almost 70% of its mangroves, from 1,776 ha to 500 ha. The island's inhabitants depend on the ocean and the state of its ecosystems for their livelihoods, but as a result of the industry crisis, 80% of the aquaculture ponds have been abandoned, threatening local biodiversity and livelihoods.Faced with these issues, this 36-month project will ultimately enable the transformation of 70 hectares of former fish breeding ponds into mangroves, through ecological restoration, but also sequester several tons of CO2. 

As an operational partner, Blue Forests focuses its environmental and social action on coastal areas through the adaptive management of critical watersheds in Indonesia. Its vision is to strengthen the social, economic and ecological resilience of coastal populations. To achieve this, Blue Forests works directly with communities, particularly women and people in situations of economic vulnerability. 
Let's build 2 drinking water systems for the people of Malawi!
Let's build 2 drinking water systems for the people of Malawi!
Created in 2006 by the GoodPlanet Foundation, the "Action Carbone Solidaire" program's mission is to combat global warming by proposing sustainable and economically viable alternatives to polluting activities, for the benefit of the most disadvantaged populations. Each project systematically combines economic and social well-being with adaptation to environmental challenges.

Malawian communities are at the origin of the project, which consists in the installation of 5 drinking water access systems powered by solar water pumps in the rural commune of Manjalende, in the Phalombe district, as well as the creation of a nursery in this commune.

In Malawi, women spend an average of 54 minutes collecting water per day. On a global scale, the 200 million hours that women and girls spend each day collecting water constitute precious time that can be devoted to other activities (UNICEF, 2016). 

This installation project will give them access to drinking water for domestic consumption and a water supply for the nursery, which will enable them to produce tree seedlings and vegetable seeds. The aim is to put 5 solar water pump systems into operation, providing daily access to drinking water for 6,000 people, as well as creating a nursery self-managed by the community, and training 5 local mechanics. 

The money will be used for

Each €10 entitles 1 person to a workshop or awareness-raising activity in a festive, participatory and educational atmosphere!

10 € = 1 for a young girl

already funded
44 difts
Why we love it?

This foundation, created by the famous photographer Yann Arthus-Bertrand, offers a wide range of educational workshops to raise awareness of ecological issues in a fun and festive way. We love the idea of combining culture and ecology!

Certified by Captain Cause
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Systemic impact
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Label IDEAS labelFinaliste des Rencontres pour la Planète de 1% for the Planet label
Sustainable development goals
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