Female micro-entrepreneurship as a way out of poverty

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Action zones
South America


International solidarityWomen rights
In the 6 years that the NGO has been in existence, Impulso has observed the presence of trivialized machismo in Latin America. Women are not invited to be entrepreneurs, and when they do, they face many limitations and prejudices. Impulso's main battle is therefore the emancipation of women on this continent through the transmission of skills.

And, to this end, Impulso is proud to send out several pairs of consultants every 6 months to support them in their day-to-day work.This support is not just technical, it's also psychological since it often involves restoring confidence to a public that is too often underestimated and devalued, while enabling them to generate stable income


This project aims to provide a micro-entrepreneur with the keys she needs to develop her business through a voluntary consultancy mission, namely:
- audit of the business, identification of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats;
- study of the competition, study of supply and demand for the business;
- diversification of the business;
- training in accounting, communication and marketing, digitalization.

These training courses take the form of manuals, which the volunteers must follow with each micro-entrepreneur: weekly recommendations, time for exchange, questioning, adjustments, long-term vision, assessment of actions and impact measurement.

This solution is based on the NGO's experience in the field over the past 7 years, and aims to respond to the issues of the beneficiary population.

The reality of support
The reality of support
By joining Impulso, we knew we could achieve several goals: support an essential cause, that of women's independence, and actively contribute with our knowledge.

Meeting inspiring women from a variety of cultures was a key aspect of our mission. We had planned to support 5 to 10 women each week. In the end, we supported 7 on a regular basis, discovering unique journeys. These exchanges were a source of inspiration, reinforcing our determination to support women's independence around the world.

Another pillar of our mission was the launch of collective training sessions with a new partner. We supported 14 women over 10 sessions, for a total of 30 hours of training. Whether in group or individual coaching, we offered constant personalized support, fostering their personal and professional development.

A key skill during these coaching sessions was adaptability. We adjusted our approach according to each woman's individual needs, and modified our methods for group training sessions. This flexibility was essential to maximize our impact. We adapted our schedules, content and teaching techniques to meet the varying expectations and levels of our participants.

These regular interactions enabled us to monitor the women's progress, adjust our advice and see the concrete results of our commitment. Our experience with Impulso has been enriching, both personally and professionally, and has enabled us to contribute to a cause close to our hearts.
Our best support for entrepreneurs
Our best support for entrepreneurs
Sarita and Hector together created Cardani Company, a handmade clothing brand. Their story has inspired our volunteers, who would like to share it with you.

Sarita, gifted with exceptional intelligence, braved challenges from an early age. Raised in a rural environment marked by poverty and sexism, she fought for access to education. By the age of 10, she was walking an hour to school every day. At 11, a brutal attack only strengthened her determination to succeed. Despite difficult conditions, Sarita persevered, working hard to survive on a few euros a week.

Her dream of serving in the Navy was cut short by her parents' illness, but she found a new passion in sewing, supported by her future husband, Hector. Their meeting in a textile factory marked the beginning of a beautiful story of love and partnership.

The birth of their son Danilo, an extraordinary child but facing unique challenges due to his autism and hyperactivity, was a turning point for the couple. Knowing the challenges that lay ahead, Sarita and Hector returned to their hometown, Quilmana, to be surrounded by family and create Cardani Company, dedicated to their son.

We had the privilege of accompanying this extraordinary family for five months in Peru, an experience that profoundly impacted our lives. Their courage and determination inspired us, and saying goodbye will be difficult."

Andréa & Philippine, volunteers in Peru

The money will be used for

The money raised will be used to:
- design training courses and deliver them on site;
- do a daily follow-up of each micro-entrepreneur accompanied;
- organize collective training modules with several women micro-entrepreneurs;
- evaluate the impact and adjust the accompaniment as the weeks go by.

12.5 € = 1 support week

already funded
1229 difts
Why we love it?

This young, dynamic team is determined to support even more women, all over the world!

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