Digital skills training for the underprivileged

Fonds de dotation de Label Emmaüs logo
Fonds de dotation de Label Emmaüs


The digitization of the economy has boosted employment in the digital sector. As a result, jobs in the digital sector are in high demand (800,000 positions are expected to be filled by 2025). Moreover, the digital divide is a factor of exclusion, all the more so for people in precarious or socially excluded situations. Vocational training is therefore an essential requirement.

However, many people (asylum seekers or those with residence permits) are excluded from traditional funding channels (Pôle Emploi, Region, CPF...) and cannot benefit from vocational training. These people are in a situation of serious exclusion.


This is why Label Emmaüs, through its endowment fund, has decided to set up a solidarity fund for training in digital professions to enable people excluded from mainstream public funding to acquire skills in this sector.In concrete terms, this fund will finance training for these people, covering the cost of training and related costs (catering, accommodation, mobility). Vocational training in the digital professions will be provided by partner training organizations capable of taking on a type of public in a situation of great exclusion, thanks to strong, personalized support.

Label Emmaüs is working to diversify profiles in the digital world, in order to make this professional sector accessible to people who are furthest away from it because it offers job opportunities. Beyond financing the scholarship, the association's role is to act as a link between training organizations and specialized associations, in order to guide and support beneficiaries as best possible towards training courses that correspond to their needs and professional projects. 

Our website is officially online!
Our website is officially online!
For several months, we've been working on the creation of our own website, a veritable showcase for the endowment fund that provides a clear vision of our actions and solidarity projects! It's finally online:

A big well done to
Inès, former trainee at Label Ecole, who over the last four months has worked to create a clear, functional site where you can find all our projects on insertion and reemployment and our news. This internship shows that the training offered at Label Ecole provides keys and skills in the digital field.

After this great internship with the endowment fund, Inès is leaving us but won't be going far, as she'll be bringing her skills to Label Ecole next fall, where she'll be in charge of digital marketing and communications. 🎓

The Label Emmaüs - Fonds de dotation website is now yours to explore! 
🎓 Mock exams at Label Ecole
🎓 Mock exams at Label Ecole
Last week at the school saw the first orals for the learners of Label Ecole's e-commerce Project Manager class.

The opportunity for them to share the progress of their individual projects: the creation of an e-commerce site on the theme of their choice.

Inès, web designer on internship for the Endowment Fund and former student of the school, was on hand as a jury to listen to and rate the future graduates, she tells us: 

"I was delighted to be able to contribute my experience and advice on their progress, I was able to see the beginnings of their graphic charters, mock-ups and the presentation of their product or service. It's always interesting to learn about the projects of people who are following the same course as me. I try to guide them on the posture to adopt, how to manage their stress, and the important details for the rest of their work."

We can't wait to see for each of them the outcome of their project, and we wish them every success as they continue their training! 💪 

The money will be used for

Thanks to you, Label Emmaüs will accompany beneficiaries on their training journey and finance the costs of training, accommodation, transport and catering. The funds raised will also be used to support the implementation of the project, including engineering costs. 

8 € = 1 training hour

already funded
147 difts
Why we love it?

Label Emmaüs is the Emmaüs Movement's innovative and militant online sales site! Led by the bubbly Maud Sarda, the association defends a vision of the world that is profoundly supportive, and that puts a smile on your face.

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Fonds de dotation de Label Emmaüs is a certified association meeting these six criteria:
Financial stability
Systemic impact
Sustainable development goals
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Align customer loyalty and solidarity.
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