Digital technology for the professional integration of vulnerable groups
Action zones
The project
WeTechCare is committed to helping vulnerable groups find and keep jobs, by offering effective training in basic digital skills. To this end, WeTechCare has developed Les Bons Clics, a free, turnkey training platform for digital training.
%of jobs require digital skills
%of French people express difficulties with digital technology
millionof beneficiaries have received digital support from WeTechCare since 2016
The digitalization of our services, our modes of communication and work, has accelerated inequalities for those who lack the necessary skills. Indeed, today 75% of jobs require digital skills, and the majority of job offers are found on the internet. For people who are already in a situation of social fragility, digital technology therefore represents a double penalty.
WeTechCare's mission is to make digital technology an opportunity for all by acting alongside partners (the State, local authorities, service operators, companies) to make digital training more systematic and more accessible.
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New conference on the theme of digital technology and seniors!
On May 21, WeTechCare, SFR and the ANEM - Association Nationale des Elus de la Montagne organized a conference on the theme: "How to make digital an opportunity for seniors in isolated territories?"
An opportunity to highlight the tremendous opportunities that digital technology can offer seniors living in isolated territories in terms of prevention, social links, access to care and services.... but also toremind us of the importance of removing the barriers these audiences face with regard to digital.
Among the speakers at this webconference, Pascale Boyer, Member of Parliament for the Hautes-Alpes, reminded us of the relevance and usefulness of systems such as telemedicine, which guarantee continuity of access to healthcare for people living in rural areas, while limiting the need for long journeys.
Find the full webconference replay here! 🎬👇
An opportunity to highlight the tremendous opportunities that digital technology can offer seniors living in isolated territories in terms of prevention, social links, access to care and services.... but also toremind us of the importance of removing the barriers these audiences face with regard to digital.
Among the speakers at this webconference, Pascale Boyer, Member of Parliament for the Hautes-Alpes, reminded us of the relevance and usefulness of systems such as telemedicine, which guarantee continuity of access to healthcare for people living in rural areas, while limiting the need for long journeys.
Find the full webconference replay here! 🎬👇
WeTechCare at the French National Assembly
WeTechCare co-organized the event "Les nouveaux enjeux de l'inclusion numérique" at the National Assembly with MPs Béatrice Piron and Perceval Gaillard, under the High Patronage of the President of the National Assembly, Yaël Braun-Pivet.
👉 On the program: 4 round tables to understand, anticipate and discuss the challenges of digital inclusion linked to professional integration, parenthood, ageing well, overseas territories and impact measurement.
So many subjects on which we are mobilized through our programs and with our partners. Just a few examples ⬇️
- Developing the digital skills of cleaning employees
- Awareness-raising among Parisian parents on the challenges of e-parentality
- Participating in the development of an observatory on digital access to healthcare
- Supporting the Guadeloupe prefecture in the coordination and training of digital caregivers in its territory
🎬 A replay of the speeches is available on our YouTube channel.
The money will be used for
- Keep the Les Bons Clics platform free of charge for end beneficiaries;
- Develop new, fun and effective training content on digital skills;
- Make the solution known to a greater number of players in the territory.
- Develop new, fun and effective training content on digital skills;
- Make the solution known to a greater number of players in the territory.
5 € = 1 digitally trained person
153 difts
Action zones
Why we love it?
In the age of all-digital technology, when 35% of French people say they have at least one difficulty with digital technology, it's vital to train the most remote members of society in basic digital skills, so as not to isolate them even further and continue to be part of society: this is the challenge that WeTechCare has decided to take up.
Let's continue to raise this issue so that, collectively, we can turn the corner on digital technology and open up the opportunities it offers to everyone on the path to integration.
Jean Deydier
Director and Founder of WeTechCare
Captain Cause gem
2024 promotion
WeTechCare is a certified association meeting these six criteria:
Financial stability
Systemic impact
Sustainable development goals
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