The travel workshop that transforms hospital life

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Action zones

The project

Mental healthYouth
To combat the isolation and malaise of children hospitalized in child psychiatry units throughout France: every week, a workshop to share the discoveries of volunteer travelers from the 4 corners of the globe.
hospitalized each year in child psychiatry in France.
travel workshops in child psychiatry units by 2023
of hospitals receiving support consider the workshop to be a determining factor in their care and wish to continue it from one year to the next.


A complementary player to the medical and educational teams at child psychiatric hospitals, L'enfant@l'hôpital fights against isolation and learning difficulties among young patients. Every week, throughout the year, it takes children on a travel workshop to discover the adventures of travelers in the four corners of the world. Week after week, bonds are forged.

With great talent and benevolence, our young animators draw on the travelers' tales to help children experience their joys, trials and tribulations, encounters and discoveries. Natural wonders, traditions and cultures of the world, little-known fruits or spices...: our workshops take hospitalized children to the opposite extreme of withdrawal. They are punctuated by a wide variety of creative activities, specially designed to stimulate the senses and expand knowledge. A thousand different ways to learn!

The bell has rung!
The bell has rung!
Welcome and thank you to the new Captains of L'enfant@l'hôpital!

The 2023-2024 school year is over: it's also the summer break for Kolibri workshops in our partner hospital establishments all over France.

At the association, June is a festive month: the last workshops are always the occasion for a few snacks, and the "good-byes" to the solidarity travelers (who have exchanged and shared their adventures with the children), often take the form of video-testimonials, videoconferences or better still... visits within the groups of beneficiary children!

For example, on their return to France, the "Tongs et Bottes" expedition travelers went to Dijon on Thursday June 20, and the "Happy et Compagnie" family visited Limoges on Tuesday June 25. Beautiful, joyful moments of sharing and gratitude after more than 9 months of warm exchanges!

For its part, the association's team is taking advantage of the break in the Kolibri workshops to actively prepare for the new school year: our CAPTAIN CAUSE project aims to perpetuate Kolibri workshops in 2024-2025 in all the child psychiatric units that the association accompanies throughout France.

Thank you to all our Captains and patrons who are working alongside us to combat the isolation and learning difficulties of these young patients!
Annual General Meeting and review of 2023
Annual General Meeting and review of 2023
Welcome and thank you to L'enfant@l'hôpital's new Captains!

L'enfant@l'hôpital's 2023 general ordinary meeting was held on March 27. It provided an opportunity to highlight its actions and its development dynamic: in an economic context that remains difficult and uncertain, the association has opened 18 new workshopsout of the 93 dispensed throughout France.

Congratulations to Claire Bach, our new President: a polytechnician and former children's animator, Claire has been involved with us for 7 years.
"My encounter with the association came about in 2017: I was then an animator for 6 months with young people in Toulouse, Cambrai, Creil or Eragny-sur-Oise. Since then I've been a traveler, vice-president and now president.
What I like about the asso is this constant adjustment of the team to carry out its central mission: to enable children and young people to learn while having fun and discovering the world, no matter where they are in France!"

PS/ Our Captain Cause project aims to continue our workshops throughout the school year in all the regions and towns where we intervene in hospital psychiatric units: thanks to all our Captains and patrons who support us! 

The money will be used for

  • Designing a customized travel workshop based on each child's difficulties
  • Each week, leading the travel workshop and creating sensory activities
  • Purchasing supplies for the activities carried out during the travel workshops
  • Coordinating the partnership with child psychiatric hospitals
  • Recruiting and training travel workshop leaders and solidarity travelers

10 € = 1 hour of travel workshop for a hospitalized child

already funded
24 difts
Our children are in a bad way. The society we offer them makes them anxious. Let's offer them a way out of their painful past and rediscover the desire to open up to the world and to others.
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Marie-Emmanuelle Soutenet
General Delegate
Captain Cause gem
2024 promotion
L'enfant@l'hôpital is a certified association meeting these six criteria:
Financial stability
Systemic impact
Sustainable development goals
More infos
Align customer loyalty and solidarity.
Let's start!