Letters to break the isolation of our elders

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1 Lettre 1 Sourire
Action zones

The project

1 Lettre 1 Sourire uses letters to combat isolation among the elderly and create intergenerational links.
1 000
letters written by young people aged 12 to 35 sent in 3 years
1 800
structures for the elderly have become partners with 1 Letter 1 Smile
civic service volunteers acting as readers for 1 Lettre 1 Sourire


1 Lettre 1 Sourire is an online platform that enables anyone to write a caring letter to elderly men or women living in senior facilities or at home. The scheme aims to provide an innovative solution to the isolation of residents.

As well as sending daily letters to 1,800 partner organizations in France and abroad, the association carries out a number of other activities, such as organizing Literary Workshops around the world of La Fontaine to be carried out in intergenerational pairs, or a theatrical tour whose play was created using extracts from letters received...

Through these various means, 1 Lettre 1 Sourire fights against the isolation of seniors and creates intergenerational links. 1 Lettre 1 Sourire is thus a simple way of bringing joy and life to seniors.

An intergenerational Tour de France of smiles... by bicycle!
An intergenerational Tour de France of smiles... by bicycle!
This Thursday, April 4, Lucie Reyx embarks on a bicycle tour of France and Belgium to meet our senior citizens. In civic service with 1 Lettre 1 Sourire since last October, she will carry our colors until the end of July accompanied by her bicycle. She will thus become our official representative, a roving letter carrier, promoting the epistolary link with our elderly and distributing letters in all the structures she passes through.

At each of her stops, she'll be organizing letter-writing workshops for schoolchildren in the morning, distributing kindly letters in the afternoon, and then exchanging ideas with seniors at intergenerational dinners and evenings in the evenings at the structures for the elderly that will be hosting her for the night.
Her Tour de France means  101 stages across France and Belgium, around 4,000 kilometers of cycling covered in 4 months, along which she will meet around 3,000 schoolchildren and 6,000 seniors.

The aim through this project is to combat social isolation via two main levers. Firstly, by creating intergenerational links: Lucie will indeed share convivial moments around workshops linked to the letter, inviting schoolchildren and seniors to take part together. Her aim is to create links between senior citizens' facilities and local schools, setting up twinning arrangements along the way. Secondly, Lucie will be sharing her journey throughout the four months, promoting the idea of maintaining intergenerational links with everyone she meets. If you'd like to keep up with her, feel free to follow her instagram account: @a.bicyclette_ !  
1 Lettre 1 Smile in Paris airports
1 Lettre 1 Smile in Paris airports
We teamed up with the Paris airports to have letters written to travelers passing through Roissy CDG and Orly airports.

Thousands of letters were written during the month of December. Travelers from all over the world offered us letters written in every language.

For 1 Lettre 1 Sourire, the festive season was the busiest time of the year for remedying the isolation of the elderly. Greeting cards, letters, gifts... we tried to put everything in place to bring maximum happiness and smiles. 

The money will be used for

Thanks to the funds raised, 1 Lettre 1 Sourire will be able to finalize the redesign of its website, finance communication materials deployed in all partner departments, organize intergenerational meetings and joint actions to strengthen intergenerational ties.

1 € = 2 printed

already funded
310 difts
Why we love it?

Faced with the isolation of senior citizens, the 1 Lettre 1 Sourire project is a bubble of positivity and gentleness that helps weave intergenerational links and bring happiness to lives that are sometimes very lonely, with a simple action that is accessible to all.

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Financial stability
Systemic impact
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