Species monitoring to preserve biodiversity around Mont-Saint-Michel

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Etablissement public national du Mont Saint-Michel


In Mont-Saint-Michel Bay, several amphibian species are particularly vulnerable, such as the Spotted Pelodyte.

Hinterlittoral wetlands provide habitats  for these species, in an unfavorable anthropized context. Since 2005, a number of environmental restoration projects have been carried out at various sites in the bay, with a particular focus on amphibian conservation.

With climate change, the functionality of wetlands, particularly the temporary environments favored by the Spotted Pelodyte, is being altered, adding to the pressure on the amphibian community.


This project to continue standardized monitoring of the Spotted Pelodyte and other amphibian species, all of which are protected and threatened to varying degrees, will make it possible to document population trends and implement appropriate measures to ensure their long-term survival (restoration of pools, improved hydraulic functioning...). By improving wetland functionality, these measures could benefit the entire freshwater ecosystem, which includes numerous heritage species: flora, birds, invertebrates... In addition, the results of the monitoring will help raise awareness of this threatened biodiversity among visitors to Mont-Saint-Michel.

The money will be used for

The money raised will be used to cover expenses related to monitoring amphibians at the three sites, assessing their diversity, abundance, and reproductive success by species, as well as drawing up recommendations for improving habitats, to guarantee the sustainability of populations.

200 € = 1 counting session

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