Fostering the ecological transition in the mountains

Mountain Riders logo
Mountain Riders
Action zones
Grand Est
Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur

The project

SensibilizationCircular economy
Raise awareness, train, educate and get everyone involved in the ecological transition in the mountains.
young people
aware of climate change by 2023
with the Flocon Vert label
83 700
cigarette butts
collected in the mountains in 2023


Our philosophy: 
  • Awareness-raising without moralizing;
  • Working with everyone;
  • Making change a positive process around concrete alternatives.

Then we take action by encouraging children and young people to become drivers of change, by inviting practitioners to commit to a responsible approach, by supporting tourism players, by involving citizens and elected representatives. Boosted by the tools of popular education and doped with concrete actions for transition, we invest ourselves in energizing the relationship between all these players. Our strength lies in always being on the move, daring and innovating! In our actions, we strive every day to embody the change we wish to see in the world.

2024 pick-ups are underway
2024 pick-ups are underway
News for our Captains! As you know, the mountains are a fragile ecosystem that we strive to preserve. However, despite its magnificent landscapes that we love so much, every year tons of litter are abandoned on its slopes. 

As you know, after more than twenty years of pick-ups, 2023 marks a historic moment,with an unprecedented commitment by mountain stakeholders to the ambitious goal of Montagne Zéro Déchet Sauvage by 2030. 

⛰️ Wondering what the first step towards this ambition is? Reduce mountain litter by 10% by 2024. 

With this in mind, we launched our 2024 mountain litter pickup season a few weeks ago. 

🌿 In the space of a few weeks and with the participation of nearly 600 volunteers at 15 pick-ups, we've already collected more than 1.5 tons of rubbish, 42% of which is plastic.

Our road to a rubbish-free mountain by 2030 is still a long one, and we need you all. Many thanks for your support! 
National Zero Waste Mountain Meetings
National Zero Waste Mountain Meetings
 The mountains are an unspoilt territory, yet every year, tons of litter are collected. Unchecked mountain pollution has an impact on the Planet's aquatic ecosystems and biodiversity. As essential players in the start of the water cycle, La Montagne is committed, with one voice, to achieving zero uncontrolled waste in the mountains by 2030.
This is why we are organizing, on March 21 thefirst National Meetings Mountain Zero Uncontrolled Waste in 2030 in Chambéry.

 👉🏻 On the program: 
- Speeches by experts on wild pollution in the mountains, 
- Feedback from the field on source reduction solutions, 
- 1st assessments and forecasts of the national commitment Montagne Zéro Déchet sauvage en 2030. 

🎯A friendly and constructive day, ambitiously turned towards the future of our mountains! Together for our mountains!

The money will be used for

  • Financing Fresco de la montagne workshops
  • Taking young people out into the mountains for the first time
  • Providing characterization kits (tarpaulins, collection bags, weights, gloves, characterization sheets) for collections
  • Training local players in the proper use of these tools, enabling them to organize independent awareness-raising operations and workshops
  • Disseminate a Cahier pédagogique in Flocon Vert destinations (awareness-raising and discovery of the mountain environment)

2.5 € = 1 booklet

already funded
267 difts
Why we love it?

We love this association whose ambition is its watchword. In order to combat the scourge of waste invading our mountains, Mountain Riders has chosen to tackle the root of the problem. In addition to their litter-picking efforts, they have undertaken a number of awareness-raising initiatives!

The meaning of our actions lies in education, training and awareness-raising: helping people to understand what's at stake, giving them a sense of direction, accepting debates and ideas, reflecting together in order to take action.
Camille Rey-Gorrez
Directrice de Mountain Riders
Captain Cause gem
2024 promotion
Mountain Riders is a certified association meeting these six criteria:
Financial stability
Systemic impact
Sustainable development goals
More infos
Align customer loyalty and solidarity.
Let's start!