Impact projects to preserve coral ecosystems

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Coral Guardian
Action zones

The project

BiodiversityInternational solidarity
Coral Guardian supports local ocean preservation associations in protecting and restoring coral ecosystems.
of all marine species depend on reefs
of coral reefs have been fully restored or depolluted
people reached since 2015


Coral Guardian intends to contribute to a world where coral reefs and their benefits are preserved for biodiversity and for Humankind.

Coral Guardian supports local projects to protect and restore coral ecosystems around the world. The association also raises awareness of the issue among the general public in France and abroad.

REEL project launched in Kenya!
REEL project launched in Kenya!
Coral Guardian begins a new long-term collaboration in Kenya!
We're delighted to introduce you to this new project, made possible thanks to your support.

Coral Guardian in Kenya?
Yes! The Kenyan coast and bordered by fringing coral reefs, serving as living and nursery grounds for thousands of marine species.
Many villages and c coastal communities depend on them for food and income.
But unregulated resource use, overfishing and destructive fishing have severely damaged the reef for years, leading to a decline in biodiversity and threatening the incomes of local people.

The project   
The REEL project "Restoring Reef Ecosystems for Enhanced Livelihoods" aims to drive reef regeneration... to the benefit of local people!
Groups of fishermen will be trained and lead the restoration: growing corals in nurseries, transplanting them to artificial reefs, monitoring their growth...
The project also includes massive awareness campaigns and interventions in schools to better understand the issues and enable the implementation of sustainable, community-based management methods.

What makes the REEL project so strong:
  • Its beneficiary-centered approach: a project for local communities, led by them.
  • Its ambition: eventually, to be replicated all along the Kenyan coast!
  • His team: the Oceans Alive association, experts in the management of community-based marine protected areas. 

Your support helps us to strengthen the resilience of communities in the face of climatic and economic shocks. 
Thank you for your trust!; 
Year 2023 review of the Deep Core project in the Mediterranean
Year 2023 review of the Deep Core project in the Mediterranean
The year 2023 came to a close at Punta de la Mona with some fine advances. In 3 key figures:
- The project cleaned up 92% of the polluted project area: a total of 1,381 kg of underwater waste brought to the surface! They will be recycled to make furniture, thanks to a new circular partnership with a local company;
- 891 corals have been cared for and then transplanted to the seabed to recover the ecosystem, since the project began; 
- More than 8,200 people have been educated locally.
Recovery of the area is therefore well underway, with significant progress on depollution. Restoration activities will continue in 2024 and the area to be depolluted will be extended, to bring this effort to other parts of the Marine Protected Area. 

Our Coral Guardian and Coral Soul teams are currently working on priorities for 2024 and seeking funding to continue and extend the project. 

One of this year's objectives will be to work with fishermen in the area, to reduce marine litter at source, and advocacy to strengthen the protection of the area. 

A big thank you to you for your support! 

The money will be used for

  • Support field projects that regenerate degraded ecosystems 
  • Enable the return of biodiversity to reefs 
  • Support the livelihoods of reef-dependent communities 
  • Raise awareness among the general public about saving our oceans 
  • Launch + 80 initiatives around the world in setting up field projects, on every coast on every continent!

30 € = 1 restored coral

already funded
1174 difts
Why we love it?

It's not just on the other side of the world that Coral Guardian is active, but also on the coasts of the Mediterranean: and yes, protecting marine fauna is also a European issue! Coral Guardian tackles this challenge with great creativity and professionalism, and we love their dynamic team and innovative communication.

It's very gratifying to see an area restored, after seeing it with broken corals almost dead and lots of accumulated garbage, and once you've cleaned it, the feeling is indescribable. Life returns.
Coral Guardian logo
Marina Palacios
Director of the Deep Core restoration project in the Mediterranean (Coral Soul association)
Captain Cause gem
2024 promotion
Coral Guardian is a certified association meeting these six criteria:
Financial stability
Systemic impact
Sustainable development goals
More infos
Align customer loyalty and solidarity.
Let's start!