Innovative research programs to preserve the ocean

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Pure Ocean
Action zones
Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur

The project

Pure Ocean finances ambitious and innovative research programs to preserve and restore marine biodiversity and ecosystems.
innovative projects supported worldwide to find solutions to protect the ocean


Through La Goutte Bleue kits (a 30-liter Made in France collection bag made from seaweed), Pure Ocean funds scientific research projects on ocean protection.

The ocean is damaged by plastic pollution but also by other pollution, overfishing, global warming and other scourges.

Pure Ocean funds research programs to preserve marine life and innovate solutions to these problems. In 6 years, 28 scientific projects have been supported.

How can we combat additional fishing catches?
How can we combat additional fishing catches?
Every year, tens of thousands of rays, sharks and cetaceans are victims of "by-catch", i.e. fished accidentally, without being targeted by fishermen. Caught in nets, these sensitive marine animals find themselves trapped with no hope of survival. According to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), up to 40% of the world's fishing catch is by-catch. 

❌ Worse still, a large proportion of these catches are not even reported. Artisanal fishermen, faced with technical and logistical difficulties, lack the means to report these incidents. The animals are therefore discreetly thrown back into the water, leading to their silent extinction. 

✨ This is where the Bycatch & Beyond project comes in. Its aim is to involve artisanal fishermen in monitoring endangered species in the Bay of Bengal, Bangladesh. How? By providing them with low-tech, easy-to-use radio-GPS boxes. These devices will not only make it possible to report bycatch of skates and sharks, but also to create a network of fishermen-actors in the collection of conservation data. 

📽️ Discover in video, Alifa Bintha Haque, Zoology researcher at the University of Dhaka, the bearer of this fascinating project! 
How can we protect red sea fans from the effects of marine heatwaves?
How can we protect red sea fans from the effects of marine heatwaves?
Do you know what a gorgonian is? These jewels of the Mediterranean are elegantly shaped, arborescent colonies essential to marine biodiversity. They serve as nurseries for many fish, but also as life support, like trees, at all levels of these animal forests, thus contributing to the balance of an entire ecosystem.

🌡️ Unfortunately, increasing marine heatwaves are threatening these precious treasures. Faced with this new climatic reality, some gorgonians are resisting, while others are succumbing. Why this disparity?That's where the Buffer project comes in.

🧬 The Buffer team is embarking on a study of the genetic variability of red gorgonians in the Parc des Calanques. They will seek to understand the resistance mechanisms of these corals in the face of climate change.

🪸 Their goal: produce scientific, political and awareness-raising tools to guide targeted management of this ecosystem in a marine protected area. Because protecting gorgonians means preserving the future of an entire ecosystem. 

The money will be used for

The funds raised will be used to fund new research projects, linked to the fight against pollution. This research can lead to solutions with a positive impact on ocean health, and therefore also on human health. 

5 € = 30 liters of waste collected

already funded
5704 difts
Why we love it?

Scientific research is the best way to measure the impact of pollution, and therefore to encourage its reduction. By contributing to its funding, we can effectively combat pollution and its consequences.

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