Ideas Boxes to give the most vulnerable access to education

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Bibliothèques Sans Frontières
463book-s offered to a child funded
336 difts
5 € = 1 book-s offered to a child
Why we love it?

A magnificent association that spreads culture by all means and in all territories.

The project

EducationInternational solidarity
Help BSF deploy innovative "Ideas Box" mobile libraries for access to education and culture for vulnerable populations - especially children and girls.
des personnes analphabètes dans le monde sont des femmes
visits per year to the 150 Ideas Boxes deployed worldwide
children in the world do not attend school


BSF's flagship tool is the Ideas Box, a media library in kit form that can be rapidly deployed in any field, bringing educational and cultural content, fun and pedagogy to vulnerable communities. Designed by Philippe Starck, this multimedia and learning center contains books, computers, tablets, board games, creative materials and a cinema, and can accommodate up to 50 people.

As part of the Inside Out photography project, initiated by French artist JR, Bibliothèques Sans Frontières organized an exhibition in the Kavumu refugee camp in Burundi, honoring those who are too often forgotten behind the numbers. Because being a refugee is a status, not an identity: that's what fifty Congolese women, men and teenagers wanted to express through their portraits, which lined the walls of the camp's library.

The aim? "To deconstruct prejudices about refugees and give a voice back to those who are too often invisibilized" explains Paulin Bulakali, in charge of the project in Burundi. The setting for the exhibition: the library in the Kavumu camp, where BSF deployed its first Ideas Box in 2015.

"The Kavumu camp is currently home to 17,700 Congolese. Most of them have fled armed conflict and ethnic violence. Some have been here for twenty years, others were even born here. Their living conditions can be difficult, and their prospects limited. However, they are not the vulnerable people portrayed, disconnected from the world and without hope. On the contrary! They make music, are comedians, entrepreneurs or teachers. Above all, they have dreams, just like everyone else.

With Inside Out, their story and message become a work of art on an international scale; it's very powerful for them. On the day of the exhibition, I felt their joy, pride and recognition." Paulin Bulakali

In June 2023, Alexandra Guiral and Louis Villers, volunteer journalists at BSF, traveled to Burundi for the exhibition's inauguration. Discover their report!

The money will be used for

Thanks to your donation, you enable BSF to:
- select and create content in a wide range of themes (education, citizenship, entrepreneurship, health, culture and reading, climate change...) and in more than 38 languages, so that they are as adapted as possible to our beneficiaries;
- create and produce Ideas Boxes in France and send them to nearly 30 countries around the world;
- train facilitators directly in the field, as close as possible to the beneficiaries, so that they can accompany the activities carried out in the Ideas Boxes;
- maintain the Ideas Boxes over the long term so that they continue to welcome, every day and in every context, children, girls, women, displaced people so that they can continue to learn, have fun, create links and build their future.
With our libraries, we may not be able to stop war, but we can certainly help build peace.
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Patrick Weil
President and founder of Bibliothèques Sans Frontières
France, International
Certified by Captain Cause
Financial stability
Systemic impact
Earned labels
Lauréat La France S'Engage 2015 labelLabel IDEAS label
Sustainable development goals
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Align customer loyalty and solidarity.
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