A day of rescue in the Mediterranean sea

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SOS Méditerranée
Action zones
Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur

The project

International solidaritySolidarity
SOS MÉDITERRANÉE is a European civil sea rescue association. It was created in spring 2015 thanks to the mobilization of citizens determined to act in the face of the humanitarian catastrophe of shipwrecks in the central Mediterranean.
39 506
have been rescued by SOS MEDITERANNEE since 2015
24 000
is the cost of a day's rescue at sea
of survivors are women


Based in France, Germany, Italy and Switzerland, its actions respond to a moral imperative and fall within a clear legal framework: the obligation to assist any person in distress at sea.

The association pursues three missions:
- SAVE lives at sea through search-and-rescue operations for boats in distress, in compliance with maritime and international law;
- PROTECT and CARE for those rescued through emergency care delivered on board, medical-psychological listening and support, as well as accompaniment to a safe place where their lives are no longer threatened and their basic needs can be met ;
- WITNESS the situation in the Mediterranean and raise awareness among the general public, institutions and governments of this humanitarian drama unfolding on Europe's doorstep.                              

Thanks to the mobilization of citizens, the first boat was chartered in 2016 to respond to the humanitarian emergency. The Aquarius until 2018, then the Ocean Viking, are citizen boats financed 91% by private funds. On board, professional rescue sailors scan the sea and come to the rescue of the boats, often in difficult conditions. The refugees, 11% of whom are women and 30% minors, receive medical and psychological care until disembarkation in a safe port. SOS Méditerranée's action is always carried out in coordination with the maritime authorities and in strict compliance with international maritime rescue laws. 

A painful moment at sea
A painful moment at sea
Dear Captains,
Thanks to your support, our teams were able to rescue 64 people during two separate rescue operations in the Libyan search and rescue region last weekend. We know that our place is at sea, reaching out to those who are drowning.

But our teams also experienceda very difficult time in the midst of the rescue operations.

"There's not much to say when faced with a body floating at sea. One person's death should be enough to change policies. This deceased person has been found, but it proves that many others disappear without anyone knowing."

These are the words of Alisha, communications officer on board the Ocean Viking after the tragic discovery of a lifeless body between two rescue operations last Sunday. The day before, the Geo Barents, a vessel of the NGO Médecins sans Frontières, had recovered 11 other bodies in this specific area of the Mediterranean.Our thoughts are with the families of the missing. 
First mission of the year
First mission of the year
 Yesterday afternoon, the Ocean Viking rescued 71 people from an overloaded inflatable boat. An aircraft from the NGO Sea-Watch raised the alarm at around 1:30pm, and our vessel immediately headed for the position. 

Arriving on site, our teams noted the presence of water in the boat, which was threatening to overturn. Faced with the urgency of the situation, we immediately evacuated all those on board, including 5 women and 16 unaccompanied minors. 

Shortly after the rescue, the Italian authorities assigned the port of Livorno, 1,167 km north of Italy, to disembark the survivors. This decision will keep us away from the rescue zone for at least a week.

We are currently sailing up to the port of Livorno and will be heading back to the rescue zone as soon as possible. Thanks to your support, we will continue our vital mission. 

Thank you for standing by us

The money will be used for

SOS Méditerranée is dedicated to deploying professional rescue operations and employs professional maritime and medico-social teams both on board and ashore.

Donations will go towards the renewal of lifejackets (180€ for 5 lifejackets), the distribution of welcome kits on board (50€/kit), the on-board care for one person (100€/day) or the sharply rising cost of fuel.

12 € = 1 day's food on board for a survivor

already funded
40 difts
Why we love it?

We love this association, which has been fighting tirelessly since the 2015 migrant crisis, which had shaken us all, in order to preserve lives and limit the humanitarian catastrophe.

"Better to die at sea than be forced to return to Libya".
Captain Cause gem
2024 promotion
SOS Méditerranée is a certified association meeting these six criteria:
Financial stability
Systemic impact
Sustainable development goals
More infos
Align customer loyalty and solidarity.
Let's start!