Emergency aid for Moroccan earthquake victims

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On Friday evening, September 8, 2023, a devastating earthquake struck southern Morocco. At least 2,122 people have died, according to the latest figures from the Moroccan authorities (as of 11/09 at 12 noon), while relief efforts and solidarity are being organized to help those affected.


On Friday evening, September 8, 2023, a devastating earthquake struck southern Morocco. At least 2,122 people have died, according to the latest figures from the Moroccan authorities (as of 11/09 at 12 noon), while relief efforts and solidarity are being organized to help those affected.

Solidarité Maroc: our actions in Morocco
Dear Madam, Dear Sir,

Thanks to your support, our teams responded with agility to the priority needs of the victims of the earthquake in Morocco by deploying emergency aid very quickly. We would like to express our deep gratitude for your generosity and the trust you have placed in us.

Thanks to this outpouring of solidarity, our actions are playing a crucial role in protecting the most vulnerable and providing concrete support to families affected by the earthquake, in particular helping them to find temporary shelter before winter. For example, we support the Nissae Souss association, which provides women and children with shelter, clothing, meals, hygiene products, medicines, school supplies and psychological support.

In partnership with locally-based associations, our teams are continuing their mobilization to enable the most vulnerable people to rebuild their lives in the long term and return to normal.
We are continuing our efforts to promote the country's economic recovery, provide psychological care for victims, and rebuild shops, farm buildings and schools. For example, we're going to help strengthen post-earthquake coordination, support healthcare and socio-educational structures, and revitalize the economic potential of the affected areas, in particular by supporting reconstruction and local agriculture.
Once again, the entire Fondation de France team would like to thank you for your commitment at our side!

If you would like to find out more about our actions, please visit our website

The money will be used for

The Fondation de France is once again responding to help the disaster-stricken population of Morocco, following the earthquake that struck the country on the night of September 8, 2023. 

Building on its experience in the region and relying on its local partners, the Fondation de France is rapidly deploying essential actions to help victims (sheltering, psychological support, ...).
It will intervene in the hardest-hit areas of Morocco, particularly in isolated territories where help is harder to come by and populations are left to fend for themselves. In a second phase, it will carry out sustainable reconstruction actions (rehabilitation of collective buildings, economic recovery, etc.).

Photo credit: © FADEL SENNA / AFP

1 € = 1 to help disaster victims in Morocco

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Why we love it?

Let's show solidarity with the Moroccan people after this devastating earthquake! Your donations will not only help the emergency relief effort, but will also support long-term reconstruction.

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