Waste recycling in African schools

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Moi Jeu Tri
Action zones

The project

SensibilizationCircular economy
Moi Jeu Tri's vision? To initiate environmental and social change through schools, by mobilizing the citizens of today and tomorrow to take up the challenges of the circular economy and waste recovery in Africa.
to sort waste and protect the environment
project partners in Togo and Côte d'Ivoire
out of work trained in circular economy professions


Moi Jeu Tri is a developer of innovative solutions for the ecological transformation of territories in Africa and a return to the cultural fundamentals of communities. 
The organization is built around 4 levers: 
  • Educate the younger generation to the challenges of waste management and environmental protection;
  • Accompany communities in their ecological transformation via the construction of territorial ecosystems;
  • Foster inclusion and professional insertion in the social and solidarity economy and the circular economy;
  • Create value around waste and help provide access to essential services.

The European Chamber of Commerce (Eurocham) and Moi Jeu Tri join forces to promote sustainable development in communities and schools in Côte d'Ivoire
The European Chamber of Commerce (Eurocham) and Moi Jeu Tri join forces to promote sustainable development in communities and schools in Côte d'Ivoire
In a concerted move to strengthen commitment to sustainable development and corporate social responsibility, Eurocham and Moi Jeu Tri recently joined forces at a ceremony to launch a "S'Investir Durablement Ensemble" project.

The "S'Investir Durablement Ensemble" project aims to strengthen Moi Jeu Tri's actions by broadening the scope of environmental and social impact. This launch ceremony was an opportunity to present the broad outlines of this ambitious project, but also to celebrate the first achievements. 

With this collaboration, 60 schools will be mobilized in 2 new communes in Côte d'Ivoire, new Moi Jeu Tri Clubs will see the light of day and raise awareness among 30,000 pupils and 15,000 households. In addition, 5 social projects will be launched over the next 48 months.

Thanks to you, the Captains, as well as our corporate sponsors and partners, we are reaffirming our commitment to shaping a sustainable future, where waste management and environmental preservation remain major imperatives. 
Moi Jeu Compost, focus on the biowaste recovery program.
Moi Jeu Compost, focus on the biowaste recovery program.
Moi Jeu Tri teams are mobilized to raise awareness among students about the challenges of bio-waste management. 

We raise awareness and teach students to produce compost and reuse it. Students bring the organic waste they produce in their families to the school. 

This compost is then used to feed the vegetable garden set up in the school and used by the school canteens. 

Today, 15 schools in Togo and Côte d'Ivoire are equipped with composters and biodigesters, and 8,000 pupils have been made aware of the issues involved in recovering bio-waste and producing organic vegetables.

The money will be used for

  • Increasing awareness in schools of the various programs (Moi Jeu Tri, Moi Jeu Compost, Ma Planète Bleue, Du Déchet à la Lumière)
  • Installing sorting and recovery systems in schools (sorting bins, composters, etc.).)
  • Supporting and integrating people who are far from employment in circular economy professions 
  • Structuring cooperatives
  • Developing innovative solutions for the creation of waste recovery channels in territories
  • Supporting the upskilling of Moi Jeu Tri staff

3 € = 1 hour of group support

already funded
1336 difts
Why we love it?

Paul and his team are putting all their energy into encouraging the younger generations in Togo and Côte d'Ivoire to collect, recycle and reuse waste, and thus become key players in changing attitudes within their communities. A magnificent circular economy project!

Moi Jeu Tri is a pedagogy of action made possible by the child's role as educator.
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Paul Testard
General Delegate Moi Jeu Tri
Captain Cause gem
2024 promotion
Moi Jeu Tri is a certified association meeting these six criteria:
Financial stability
Systemic impact
Earned labels
Finaliste des Rencontres pour la Planète de 1% for the Planet label
Sustainable development goals
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Align customer loyalty and solidarity.
Let's start!