Impactful internships for underprivileged middle school students

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1493rd year internship(s) funded
138 difts
50 € = 1 3rd year internship(s)
Why we love it?

The 3rd grade internship is a young person's first contact with the world of work: it can therefore have a decisive impact on the way it is conceived. Students in priority education areas are at a disadvantage when it comes to accessing inspiring internships: Viens Voir Mon Taf aims to overcome this inequality by offering them internships that might interest them, especially in "green" sectors, to instill in them as early as possible the desire to make a positive impact in their profession.

The project

Offer 200 3rd grade internships related to the ecological transition
of students increase their academic and professional ambitions after a VVMT internship
24 000
students from underprivileged backgrounds supported since the creation, in 2015
of professionals would like to repeat the experience of hosting an intern the following year


VVMT is convinced that the 3rd grade internship, which allows for a week of complete immersion in contact with everyday players in the ecological transition, is a powerful tool for transforming the world.

Thanks to the proposal of 200 "green" internships, the association will be able to raise awareness among middle-school students from working-class backgrounds of the challenges of the ecological transition via the completion of an impactful third grade internship with professionals who can open their eyes to their profession.

A new challenge for ViensVoirMonTaf!
After accompanying over 24,000 students since 2015 in Île-de-France, Hauts-de-France, Lyon, Grenoble and Vienne... ViensVoirMonTaf is getting ready to land in Marseille at the start of the new school year!

Marseille is home to some 30 middle schools classified as priority education (ex-ZEP), including 23 REP+ middle schools and 6 REP middle schools, representing some 4,000 students who need you, need us, to carry out THE internship that can break through their glass ceiling and project them into a motivating career orientation and future!

For students from working-class neighborhoods, the 3rd grade internship is more than a rite of passage, it's a key moment in their schooling that opens the doors to a new world. Together, let's give them the short end of the stick!

We welcome with open arms all those who want to help us take up this new challenge and multiply our actions as quickly as possible in Marseille!
A new challenge for ViensVoirMonTaf!
+ More than 1,000 internships in the first quarter alone!
To be more precise, we're at 1,048 internships... Record broken!!

And at the start of this term, Ecosol internships are taking off in a big way!

From the water cycle at Hydreka, to sustainable food at Bellebouffe, or even renewable energies at Enerdata, students are not at the end of their surprises!

"I'd like to stay in the field of sustainable energy" confides Antoine, a student at Grenoble's Collège Olympique, during his internship at Enerdata.

As you know, the year is just beginning. Thousands of 3rd graders without a network are still hoping to find a 5-day internship in the coming weeks.

Still more great Ecosol internships to come: partnerships are being built, in urban agriculture at Cueillette Urbaine, in the circular economy at NEO-ECO or at the École du Breuil, a horticulture school run by the city of Paris.

As captains and supporters of ViensVoirMonTaf, you have made and continue to make all this possible!

So 1048 thanks to you, and don't forget, the adventure is just beginning, with you!
+ More than 1,000 internships in the first quarter alone!

The money will be used for

The money raised will be used to recruit teams to accompany students in colleges, and canvass companies to encourage them to offer quality internships.
By opening up horizons and shattering glass ceilings, we enable these children to break down self-censorship and dream higher and further!
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Île-de-France, Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, Hauts-de-France, Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur
Certified by Captain Cause
Financial stability
Systemic impact
Earned labels
Lauréat La France S'Engage 2018 label
Sustainable development goals
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Align customer loyalty and solidarity.
Let's start!