Participatory neighborhood canteens to (re)connect people

Les Petites Cantines logo
Les Petites Cantines
Action zones
Grand Est

The project

Les Petites Cantines are participatory, free-price neighborhood restaurants. Diners can come and cook and/or share a meal - everyone is welcome! The aim is to encourage people to get together, (re)forge links and build confidence in themselves, others and the future.
guests feel welcome as they are, without having to play a role.
54 000
were served in 2023 in the 13 Petites Cantines opened.
of guests feel confident with other guests, including those they don't know.


Have you ever been in a waiting room? On a train? Or at a bus stop? If so, you've probably already exchanged those little smiles, those characteristic nods with the strangers present with you. These are people you don't know, who you'll only see briefly, and who will probably quickly slip from your mind.

Now imagine that these people, the neighbor on the TGV, the person you hold the door for, the shopkeeper you see every day... Imagine that all these people, along with you, are invited to a shared lunch. A lunch in a place that's big but not too big, with a simple, good meal, a place that's a little bit your home, a little bit theirs... That's the proposal we're making at Les Petites Cantines.

Concretely, it's like a big open kitchen at the foot of a building, a restaurant where the residents are the chefs, a sort of home, run by a Canteen Manager, in charge of making sure everyone feels good. And in the end, everyone pays for their meal at a free price, which covers the majority of the restaurant's running costs.

A green seminar!
A green seminar!
We had an inspiring weekend at our annual Petites Cantines seminar! Directors, Canteen Managers, Masters and Mistresses of the House, project leaders: we were gathered to explore together the themes of "Fragilities and Robustness".

💡 This strategic meeting was an opportunity to discuss our business model and launch reflections on the career path and well-being of our directors. Together, we voted for the major directions to follow.

Here's what some participants shared at the end of this green seminar:

🌸 Vanessa: "I was able to put faces to names and better understand how the network works. I made some wonderful encounters, and I'm leaving feeling serene in my head and joyful in my heart."

🍲 Julie: "I feel like I've had the experience of a meal at Les Petites Cantines: I arrived shy and I'm leaving nourished in every sense of the word."

🌟 Zoé: "I still feel just as connected to a collective that means something to me, and despite the change in scale, we've kept our DNA and have a lot to be proud of."

🤝 Natacha: "I got a slap in the face. I was really touched by all the exchanges. I arrived as an intern for a drive mission and I felt like I belonged to something even though I hadn't been here long."

Thank you to all our Captains, thanks to whom we can continue to animate this great Little Canteens community! We're already looking forward to next year! 🌱 
Our co-founder has published a book!
Our co-founder has published a book!
"Comme à la Maison" is the title of the first book by Diane Dupré la Tour, the co-founder of Les Petites Cantines! 

This touching tale plunges you into a personal story of resilience and hope, from loss to creation. Discover the story behind the birth of Les Petites Cantines, born of a deep desire to connect and share, as well as the powerful stories of several guests. This book will make you laugh, cry and feel all the emotions that nourish the soul. 🍽️💖

Bravo to Diane for this authenticity, and a big thank you to her and Etienne THOUVENOT for carrying this vision with such conviction, from their first meeting at the pizzeria to the opening of the 14th cantine.

A book to be shared without moderation! 📖

The money will be used for

- Developing the network: helping teams of residents to set up new Petites Cantines in their neighborhoods: finding and fitting out premises, mobilizing a community, raising funds, building the business model, recruiting the first employee... 
- Strengthen the network:- support operating Petites Cantines in their management of operations: administrative and financial management and follow-up, employer's posture, welcoming posture, daily kitchen activities, supply circuit, sanitary control plan, patronage and diversity of diners... 
- Extend the reach of the project beyond the Petites Cantines: support other food projects serving social cohesion, train and support companies in creating internal links, widely disseminate our impact to raise public awareness... 
- Leading the Petites Cantines network: fostering mutual support and collective intelligence, organizing convivial working times, working on the well-being of employees and administrators... 

A solid network and community, enabling us to welcome ever more guests around good food in a warm, friendly atmosphere!

13.5 € = 1 quality meals and meetings

already funded
30 difts
We can't live without helping each other! It's this muscle - "I give, I receive, I give, I receive" - that we're going to reactivate to give the flavor of the social bond.
Les Petites Cantines logo
Diane Dupré la Tour
Captain Cause gem
2024 promotion
Les Petites Cantines is a certified association meeting these six criteria:
Financial stability
Systemic impact
Sustainable development goals
More infos
Align customer loyalty and solidarity.
Let's start!