Training women refugees in the tech industry

Highlights of early summer update

Highlights of early summer

The month of July was marked by many memorable moments.
In Italy, Fellows from our Springboard program visited OverIT, a company specializing in the design of so-called "Field Service Management" software. It was an opportunity for them to discover technological careers and make connections as a group. The speech given by a former Fellow left a lasting impression on us all. Originally from Ukraine, this refugee woman discovered OverIT as a beneficiary of our Boost program last year. When she completed our program, OverIT offered her a professional internship. She encouraged the Fellows, who are in the same situation as she was a year ago, to never stop learning and never give up on their dreams.
In Greece and France, more than eighty women have completed our Pathway program. The cohorts celebrated the end of this adventure with the presentation of group projects. Some of the volunteers, who accompany the Fellows in their professional orientation or with language exchanges, were present and even contributed to some of the presentations.
August promises to be a quieter month, with many members of our association taking well-deserved vacations. Our agendas are already full for September, and we're looking forward to moving forward with our mission. Thanks to your drifts, the autumn will be a success for Sistech and the many refugee women we support.

Refugee women impress recruiters in Paris with their talents

We haven't been bored these past three months at Sistech!!
In April, 24 beneficiaries of our programs, the Fellows, completed our employability program, Boost, in France. We celebrated their success at a networking event in Paris. On this occasion, the Fellows met tech recruiters. Internship and job interviews soon followed! You can read more about these Fellows and the companies whose attention they caught in this press release. Our team in France is already busy planning the next technical training program, Springboard, which starts in October.
But Sistech doesn't just organize programs in France. Our team in Athens recently celebrated the graduation of 20 Fellows who participated in Springboard. They now have a real knowledge of the tech industry. "Team Greece" is also preparing to welcome 45 new Fellows to the Pathway orientation program! Finally, our Milan-based team is in the middle of its own Springboard, with 20 Fellows. These women are full of courage and talent. Their ambition inspires our work.

And this work is possible, in part, thanks to captain donations! So thank you for your support. Don't forget that Sistech is authorized to receive the balance of the apprenticeship tax, and that your companies can pay it now on  Feel free to send an e-mail to [email protected] for more information.

Align customer loyalty and solidarity.
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