Supporting the integration of the most excluded young people in Asia and the Middle East

Young people are rock stars! update

Young people are rock stars!

Since the beginning of 2024, Life Project 4 Youth has already accompanied more than 400 Young People (80% of whom are women) in all centers in Asia and the Middle East! 

In Myanmar, one of them is causing a sensation: May Soe Yu Wah completed the LP4Y program in July 2023. She was then employed by MyWorld Agency, one of our partners in Myanmar, as Sales Support in Yangon. We heard from her employer, Simon Bruce, the Country Director - Southeast Asia

"I would like to report that we have been very happy with the 3 staff we hired through LP4Y, and in particular, May Soe Yu Wah is an absolute rockstar and we are developing her to move into a more senior role in sales soon."

Discover more inspiring testimonials by subscribing to our LP4Y Stories 💌

A big thank you for your support, which enables us to continue to meet this year's challenges and provide the best possible support for these Young victims of exclusion in Asia and the Middle East! 

The LP4Y team 

Align customer loyalty and solidarity.
Let's start!