Speaking classes for young people from disadvantaged neighborhoods

It's time for young people to have their say! update

It's time for young people to have their say!

After 5 months of in-class training, it's time for the second-year students taking part in the Trouve Ta Voix program to express themselves to the general public!
Since the end of April, the representatives chosen in the classes have been representing their schools at the school finals. The students chosen at these finals will go on to defend their speeches and their schools at the academic finals (Paris, Versailles, Créteil, Occitanie), culminating in the Grand Finale in mid-June.
These finals are an opportunity for young people to take their place, in symbolic and prestigious venues, and give them access to a world that sometimes remains unknown to them.
For their part, the schoolchildren are also preparing for their restitution event! 
The representatives of the various classes will restitute their speeches on June 4, at the Théâtre de la Concorde, and all the classes will take part in an experiment in participative democracy.

The first classroom interventions have begun! update

The first classroom interventions have begun!

This is it! The volunteer trainers were indeed trained last December by Trouve Ta Voix, and since mid-January they've been visiting classrooms to train students in public speaking. 
And the first results are present: "It's crazy to see how an extremely shy student at the start of the session, who didn't even want to give her first name, ended up being the most dynamic student in the group by the end."
That's over 2,500 students from priority public middle and high schools in the Paris region, as well as in Occitania and the Grand-Est, who are being trained until May, in their classrooms over 10 sessions.
See you in May for the finals and restitutions, as well as the Festival Les collégiens ont la parole!

Trouve Ta Voix launches its Christmas campaign!

Remember...You're facing the whole class and you have to speak.

Remember...You're facing recruiters for the first time in your life and you hear: "tell us about your career".

Remember...You've prepared for this first event at your company and you have to host it...

Remember that fateful conversation with your loved ones and you have to express your emotions...

What feeling did you have? Did you have the codes? Did you hold on to a speaking course you'd had at school to help you through this pivotal moment?
If you haven't experienced this discomfort, this disabling shyness, you surely know someone around you to whom it has happened or is still happening.
Our project at Trouve Ta Voix? To enable all young people to reveal their full potential through speaking out, and so help them to integrate professionally, develop personally, and encourage civic participation. 
With Christmas just around the corner, it's the perfect time for such a meaningful and supportive gesture!" 

The Trouve Ta Voix team wishes you all a very happy festive season! And we're counting on you!

Video recap of the final of the Trouve Ta Voix eloquence contest in the Salle du Congrès at the Château de Versailles.

Discover the video of the final Trouve Ta Voix 

Final of the Trouve Ta Voix high school contest in the Salle du Congrès at the Château de Versailles

After the Academic semi-finals in Paris, Versailles and Créteil, where high school students took the floor in places with strong symbolic value...

...it's with great joy that the Trouve Ta Voix team announces that on June 14 took place, the grande finale of the Trouve Ta Voix 2023 contest! 

A big THANK YOU for helping to make this event happen, highlighting the voices of our young people! 

🌟 "ℚ𝕦𝕖 𝕧𝕠𝕦𝕕𝕣𝕚𝕖𝕫-𝕧𝕠𝕦𝕤 𝕕𝕚𝕣𝕖 𝕒𝕦 𝕞𝕠𝕟𝕕𝕖 ?" 🌟

It was on this topic that the 6 finalist beneficiaries of the Trouve Ta Voix program made their voices heard in the salle du congrès du Château de Versailles. 

Liyah Naal, the grand prizewinner of the Trouve Ta Voix competition, wowed us with her engaging speech calling on us to become the citizens of tomorrow. 

"You're in trouble", these words of distress are addressed to the planet, but Liyah asserts that TODAY "we can change the world with words". 

Every young person has a voice and that voice counts!

Trouve ta Voix thanks you!

Discover Trouve ta Voix's video greetings.

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