Support at the heart of homeless reintegration

Good news to brighten the gray days ✨ update

Good news to brighten the gray days ✨

Some good news from Toit à Moi!
So, we're welcoming Thomas to Rouen in one of our accommodation-tremplins (photo). A nature enthusiast, he's currently on a market gardening course. His dream is to live as close as possible to nature and practice permaculture, and we wish him every happiness! Welcome also to Abdelwahab in Angers, who after a long and difficult migratory journey can finally take the time to rebuild his life. Wilfried, accompanied in Lyon, answered questions from influencer Juste Zoé and told his story: from losing his job to becoming homeless. He talks about life on the streets, the clichés and the realities, and how it can happen to anyone... But he's happy to be out of it! It's available to listen to again on all podcast platforms.
All these beautiful stories are made possible thanks to the donations of individuals and companies, who, each in their own way, make it possible to offer people in great precariousness a roof over their heads, concrete help, hope and dignity.
Thank you!

Many "welcomes" 🏡 And it's all thanks to you! update

Many "welcomes" 🏡 And it's all thanks to you!

New people, both singles and families, were able to be welcomed into Toit à Moi springboard housing at the start of the year. They will now be able to take the time to build the life they deserve.
For example, we present François (pictured, already well surrounded), who joined Toit à Moi after some very difficult years. In recent months he had been homeless, sleeping at Roissy airport and in a day care center in Meaux. After thirty years as a specialized educator serving children with disabilities, he "submitted to a tumble" that led him to the street. He's happy to be in La Ferté-sous-Jouarre, a small town he really likes. He has a son to whom he is very close, and his new life will help him to have a more regular relationship with him.
There's also Lucas, 19, leaving a welfare structure in Seine-et-Marne.A., also in Seine-et-Marne. Mustafa, 34, Sudanese refugee. Grégoryin Ariège, in his forties, who needs to "find his port". Charlène and her 4-year-old son in Triel-sur-Seine, ... 
The suitcases are packed, new lives can begin! 
Thank you for your invaluable support.

An extra cocoon in Marseille update

An extra cocoon in Marseille

The Captain Cause mobilization enables us to equip, furnish and fit out our cocoon apartments. It also enables us to give a dignified and comfortable welcome to the people we help to get off the streets.
A new springboard cocoon has just been opened in Marseille, where Toit à Moi now has two units. Since October, an additional person has been supported in this second Marseille cocoon. The Toit à Moi adventure has now enabled more than 150 people to leave the streets for good, and get back on their feet towards a new life project.
Thank you for your support ❤ 

A second cocoon in Rouen? 🤞 update

A second cocoon in Rouen? 🤞

As you know, a first person has been welcomed into the first accommodation in Rouen. She is going through ups and downs, but is hanging on to her life projects! 💪 Today, we're aiming to buy a second appart', with the goal of a new person accompanied as soon as possible on the Normandy branch. Thank you to the captains who are accompanying us on this adventure! ♥

A new Toit à Moi cocoon has just opened in Rouen! 🦋 update

A new Toit à Moi cocoon has just opened in Rouen! 🦋

In Rouen, the new apartment we own has been freshly renovated and has just welcomed its first tenant, Laura, who moved in on Spring Day. 🌷
After a difficult period, she'll be able to rebuild her life in her new home. 

Two new Toit à Moi cocoons in Reims! update

Two new Toit à Moi cocoons in Reims!

Our great teams of volunteers have completed the work and fitting out of the association's first two Rémois homes. A mother in great difficulty has already been able to move in with her 3 daughters in one of them. 

Align customer loyalty and solidarity.
Let's start!