The dreams of amputee athletes and champion seeds come true

Our young talent medals at the Paralympic Games! update

Our young talent medals at the Paralympic Games!

We're proud because Manon Genest, a para-athlete specializing in the long jump, won a bronze medal at the Paralympic Games on Sunday evening.
Supported in 2023 by our  "Jeune Talent" project to finance her internships and international competitions, our help enabled her to evolve and reach her best levels, which she was able to realize at the JOP.
Manon is also a young mother who has succeeded in reconciling family life, professional life and top-level sport, despite all the constraints that this entails.
#ExceedingYourself #RealizingYourDreams #OlympicChampion

A chair for rugby

Pierre Botte is 25 and lives in Bidart. He was amputated following a road accident in 2021. A keen sportsman, he used to play rugby and pelota. He returned to rugby, but in a wheelchair. He now needs a new chair to practice in better conditions and achieve better performances. 
Our mission today is to find funding from private donors or companies to finance this chair and enable him to continue his journey.
Your supporters are helping to buy this chair, thank you!!

The successes of our young talents update

The successes of our young talents

Our young talents shone at the French Championships on July 13 and 14 in Albi. Bronze medals for Cloé and Milo in the 200m, for Kerrian in the 400m and for Tanguy in the 1500m. A French vice-champion title in the high jump for Emilien.
And some fine personal bests: 
  • Maïa Strasser, 16, a para-athlete with spastic diplegia managed 15.14 sec. in the 100m 
  • Cloé Corbin, 21, para-athlete with an arm amputation due to cancer achieved 28.42 sec. in the 200m 
  • Kerrian Malcoste, 21, para-athlete with right hemiplegia, beat his record by 11.82 sec. in the 100m 
  • Tanguy Cassen Maze, 18, para athlete with a visual impairment covered 1500m in 4.51 min 
  • Emilien passon, 17, para athlete with a femoral amputation broke several personal bests: 1m57 in the high jump and 5m43 in the long jump, and 13.62 in the 100m 
  • Finally, our godmother, Sopie Loubet, a femoral amputee, won the French para wakeboard championships!!! 

Our young medal-winning talents 

Cloé, para-athlete

Champion at the European Youth Games in 2022 in the long jump and 2nd in the 100m
2nd in the long jump, 60m and shot put at the French indoor championships 2023
2nd in the 200m at the French indoor championships in 2024
She will take part this weekend in the French Championships in Albi to try to achieve the minimum requirements for the JOP 2024
Discover her in pictures!

Our young talents carry the Olympic flame update

Our young talents carry the Olympic flame

We were lucky enough to have several of our talents carry the Olympic flame: Emilien, Lou, Maïa, Pablo, Manon, Cloé and soon on July 20 in Fontainebleau it will be modern pentathlon champion Jessye's turn.

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