Food baskets to fill the fridges of underprivileged students

Cop1 arrive en Guadeloupe ! update

Cop1 arrive en Guadeloupe !

Cop1 a organisé une première distribution de produits alimentaires et d'hygiène par et pour les étudiant·es de Guadeloupe, inaugurant de ce fait l'antenne Cop1 de Pointe-à-Pitre !
Hébergée au Centre Information Jeunesse et en collaboration avec la Mission Locale, l’ADIL et l’association ACCORS, une centaine d'étudiant·es ont pu être accueilli·es et accompagné·es du mieux possible lors de cette première action. 
Cette antenne va pouvoir assurer un rythme d'une distribution par semaine auprès de 200 étudiant·es, pour ensuite mettre en place le dispositif d'accès aux droits, à la culture, à l'emploi et au sport dans un second temps, et ce grâce à une équipe bénévole locale jeune et dynamique ! 

2023: a year rich in expansion! update

2023: a year rich in expansion!

2023 will have marked a turning point in Cop1's development:
With 10 new locations in 2023, the association has been able to reach 4 times more students than in 2022 while improving the quality of its help through new partnerships, more and more volunteers and growing visibility.

Today, Cop1 works through 14 branches and has been able to help 45,000 students by distributing 100,000 food parcels, organizing more than 1.000 workshops and support outings, and all thanks to the efforts of 2,500 volunteers
But the fight is still far from over!!
In 2024, Cop1's development continues to meet the growing demand for help from students: Besançon, Brest, Orléans, Pointe-à-Pitre and Toulouse are on the list of the next branches to be created!

Cop1 organizes the month of culture in November 2023 update

Cop1 organizes the month of culture in November 2023

Giving every student in France access to culture is Cop1's challenge for November 2023!
This month, Cop1 is focusing on culture through its branches in 15 cities across France, offering events (concerts, but also exhibitions), outings (to the theater, cinema, opera) or workshops (upcycling, painting, etc.). 
Up to now, 500 students have been able to benefit from free access to culture, and the action continues throughout the month! 
This month, Cop1 is focusing on culture through its branches in 15 cities across France, offering events (concerts, but also exhibitions), outings (to the theater, cinema, opera) or workshops (upcycling, painting, etc.).So far, 500 students have benefited from free access to culture, and the action continues all month long!

Align customer loyalty and solidarity.
Let's start!