Beehives for farmers' groups in Senegal

Diagnostic study launched update

Diagnostic study launched

Hello Captains! 
The SENAPI project starts with a field diagnostic phase, carried out with our partner the Fondation Energies pour le Monde, where we will gather information on the needs of beneficiaries and the state of the beekeeping sector: beekeeper profile, commercial outlets, production practices, mapping of players...
This is an essential activity as it enables us to better size the activities and women's training courses, to select the localities and participants, already having a good vision of their needs and potential.
The technical training courses will start at the end of 2024 with our local service provider APISEN, we'll tell you more in the next news...
Don't hesitate to support this fine project for women's emancipation and the protection of biodiversity in West Africa! Thank you 

Meeting with the women's group in Senegal update

Meeting with the women's group in Senegal

Hello to all the Captains Laafi, first of all a immense thank you for choosing our beekeeping project in Senegal, it warms our hearts.
The SENAPI project officially started in April, and we were able to make a mission to Senegal to meet the partners and especially the women's group: discuss their needs, their beekeeping knowledge, size the training courses.... This is always a very rich and essential first step in setting up a program as close as possible to the realities on the ground.
We were able to visit their market gardening plots and identify areas to install hives in the mangroves.
The training courses will start in the autumn, followed by the provision of 5 hives per woman. Stay tuned! 

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