Anti-waste for a healthy and varied diet for all

A stronger team! update

A stronger team!

Hello Captains!
A word to celebrate with you our integration of the new class of 2024 🥳
Where there's a new class there's a new, strengthened team to meet new ambitions!
In particular, we had the joy of welcoming Matthias this March to take charge of operations for the Ile-de-France region, and that's thanks to you and your support - a huge thank you 🙏
Many challenges - particularly sporting - await the Ile-de-France team this year.
Waiting to tell you more, we're happy to introduce you to our Paris 2024 team!!
See you soon,
The Chaînon Manquant team

Many thanks for this year 2023! update

Many thanks for this year 2023!

WHAT? already the last day of January?! 😯
No time to land in 2024 when the Chaînon Manquant has already set off again for a new year in the service of solidarity associations, which need our help more than ever!
But before we talk about the new projects coming up, we really must stop for a moment to tell you about our volunteers who take turns every day in the field and compete with courage and tenacity to meet the challenges of our solidarity and anti-gaspi action. 
- In 2023, no less than 321 volunteers are committed to our antennas, which representsseveral thousands of volunteer hours in the field but also beyond! 🤩
- Despite a significant drop in supply volumes, together we collected and revalorized over 150 tons of fresh produce in 2023, equivalent to around 310,000 meals (or 27 elephants well plumped 🐘)   
- And finally, the year ended with a very fine recognition of the impact of our action, notably rewarded by the Trophées ESS de la Ville de Paris 
All this has been made possible not only by the commitment of our volunteers, but also thanks to that of our partners and patrons, who have collectively supported the Chaînon Manquant project since 2014, and of which Captain Cause difters have been a full part for the past year. So on behalf of the whole team, a IMMENSE THANK YOU to you 🫶 !
All that remains is for us to wish you a wonderful 2024 committed year full of joy, meaning, positive impacts ... and above all, difts

Le Chaînon Manquant, winner of the Trophées Parisiens de l'ESS 2023 update

Le Chaînon Manquant, winner of the Trophées Parisiens de l'ESS 2023

And it's partly thanks to you! 🏆
These trophies are awarded annually by the City of Paris to 12 local projects with a strong social and environmental impact. We were delighted to celebrate this award alongside éthi'Kdo - la carte cadeau écologique et solidaire, Brasserie de l'Être, PikPik Environnement, La Belle Empreinte, Campus Market, Comptoir dionysien, Fédération Envie, Le RéPAR, NOUR, Change Please, and Association Lit Up, other great projects to discover, last Thursday November 30 in the Grand Salon of the Hôtel de Ville. 
Our daily action in the fight against food waste and precariousness across Paris and beyond is only possible thanks to the support of our partners, our volunteers and above all, our generous Captains and patrons. This victory is also yours! 
A big thank you to one and all 🙏, 
The Chaînon Manquant team 

October 16, 2023 - National day against food waste

October 16 is National Day against Food Waste: a day to highlight the progress and efforts still to be made, individually and collectively, to reduce food waste in France. ♻️🥗
On this occasion, we invite you to discover the tribune published in Le Monde on September 29, signed by a number of anti-waste, solidarity and sustainable food players (including our president, Valérie). For us, it's a question of encouraging the public authorities to put all the players concerned back around the table:
-> to address the problems - and in particular the drop in the quantity and quality of donations offered to associations to the detriment of the most vulnerable populations,
-> to go further in raising awareness among players, enforcing regulations and developing collective resources and tools,
-> to give new impetus to the fight against food waste, in particular by relaunching the National pact to combat food waste at a standstill since 2020,💪
Find here the complete tribune and the list of signatories in free access:
Tribune Le Monde / Journée contre gaspillage

Le Chaînon Manquant compte beaucoup sur ses soutiens, tant financiers qu'opérationnels, pour continuer à lutter contre le gaspillage et la précarité alimentaires en ces temps difficiles pour tous. Certains partenaires nous soutiennent d'ailleurs bien au-delà du simple don alimentaire ; c'est le cas de la FFT, qui met aujourd'hui notre action conjointe sur le devant de la scène 🎬

Rendue possible par la générosité et l'engagement de nos soutiens (partenaires, donateurs, bénévoles...), l'action du Chaînon Manquant a pour objectif de mettre la lutte anti-gaspi au service de la solidarité, en allant collecter des denrées de qualité partout où il y en a, afin de continuer à répondre aux besoins grandissants en produits frais des personnes en situation de précarité alimentaire  🥗🥕
C'est pour cela que certains partenariats nous sont particulièrement précieux ... Comme celui qui lie LCM à la Fédération Française de Tennis depuis 2014 ! L'équipe a abordé la rentrée sur les chapeaux de roue, en agissant à nouveau aux côtés de la FFT pour revaloriser les invendus de l'événement de septembre : le Greenweez Paris Major 2023 !  🎾 Cette année, grande nouveauté : notre association bénéficiait d’un don en caisse à la boutique du stade de Roland-Garros, pour que les visiteurs puissent s’impliquer eux-aussi dans la démarche ✨
Un immense merci à nos partenaires et donateurs, dont nous avons plus que jamais besoin en ces temps difficiles 🙏🏻
Découvrez le partenariat et notre action sur le Greenweez Paris Major 2023 en cliquant sur le lien vidéo 😀 

Le Chaînon Manquant : Anti-gaspi and solidarity partner of the Roland Garros Tournament update

Le Chaînon Manquant : Anti-gaspi and solidarity partner of the Roland Garros Tournament

"Thanks to the support of our partners and loyal donors, this year's Chaînon manquant once again worked wonders at the French Open 🎾! 
During three weeks, our volunteers and employees took turns in the wee hours of the morning - and sometimes several times a day - to collect the equivalent of 10500 meals of fresh produce for over 20 beneficiary associations in the Ile-de-France region! 💪
A HUGE THANK YOU to all those who support us, financially and humanely, in this great adventure in the service of others and the planet 🙏🏻
As a bonus, a small photo of the team invited on May 25 by the FFT for a memorable qualifying match. 

🙏 A huge THANK YOU to the Captains of 2CFINANCE, our very first supporters in the Captain Cause adventure! update

🙏 A huge THANK YOU to the Captains of 2CFINANCE, our very first supporters in the Captain Cause adventure!

Thanks to the 1778.35 Euros raised on Earth Day last April 22, our logistics team has moved into a new office!

A 15 m2 office just for us, to meet, organize our tours, receive our volunteers, call our professional partners, respond to associations ... A base camp at Les Arches Citoyennes right in the heart of Paris, right next to the Hôtel de Ville, in an ecosystem full of promise and rich in actors committed to a better future! Not a bad view, eh?
The first donations received already cover more than 5 months' rent (special association rate) and allow us to see ahead. THANK YOU :-)
Our needs related to cleaning or storing our crates and transport bins remain unmet - the place pre-identified for this in Nanterre burnt down (!) - but it's a great start and we already feel much stronger to pursue our antigaspi and solidarity mission. 


Align customer loyalty and solidarity.
Let's start!