A school to (re)integrate tomorrow's florists

Our "Shaping the future" pre-training course update

Our "Shaping the future" pre-training course

On Monday April 8, we welcomed our second promotion of the "FLEurir l'avenir" pre-training: the Pommiers! It includes 10 new beneficiaries, and we're delighted to have them with us!
The concept of our pre-training program: it's free and is aimed at women and minorities who are far from employment, and who don't have the required level of French to join our CQP florist assistant training program.That's why the letters F, L and E are capitalized, in reference to Français Langue Etrangère (FLE)! The pre-training program offers various workshops to enable our beneficiaries to familiarize themselves with the French language while learning the basics of floristry. 

The aim is for beneficiaries of the "FLEurir l'avenir" pre-training program to be able to join our CQP florist assistant training program! 
This three-month program is in partnership with Langues Plurielles, who run our French courses: they are a language training organization open to the professional, social and cultural environment. They design training programs that are as close as possible to the objectives of each-e.

Our pre-training contains several specific features:using flowers as a medium for learning FLE, it takes place in small numbers, it uses an innovative pedagogy, it enables people to discover a job in short supply, it removes the obstacles to a return to employment, it reaches out to a public in a situation of social and/or professional exclusion, it advocates an ecological program using flowers from local flower farms.Thank you for your support!

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