A challenge to help all organizations go plastic-free

Better than collection, collection with waste identification! update

Better than collection, collection with waste identification!

Dear Captains, as you know, our priority is to reduce unnecessary plastics. But nothing beats a litter pick to realize the absolute necessity of REDUCING unnecessary plastics.
With the help of 50 volunteers, we picked up, sorted, examined the garbage found and even quantified the most frequent and most visible marks.
No surprise, lots of bottles and cigarette butts at the rendezvous! 
And thanks to the @Rockcorps association for its support. We're stronger together.

Launch of the No Plastic Challenge with 200 eco-delegates from the Ile de France region update

Launch of the No Plastic Challenge with 200 eco-delegates from the Ile de France region

Thanks to your support, we're continuing our drive to reduce single-use plastics: bottles, packaging, takeaways...
The No Plastic Challenge kicked off on May 3 with a meeting with 200 eco-delegates from the Ile de France region.
On the program: Quiz,  sharing eco-gestures to avoid single-use plastics and reduce pollution risks, answers to the many questions and giveaways of stainless steel straws.
First episode of a month and a half of actions until June 15!
* Want to test your plastic footprint it's here
* Want to know more, it's here.

Launch of the Objective Zero Plastic Bottles program! update

Launch of the Objective Zero Plastic Bottles program!

Thank you for your support! It has helped us launch the "Objective Zero Plastic Bottles" program.
Already 1.3 billion plastic bottles avoided and as many pollution risks reduced.
Discover this program and help us raise the counter  www.objectifzerobouteilleplastique.org
A hyper-useful program with:
- 180 alternative solutions to plastic bottles for professionals and consumers
- 20,000 mapped water points to fill your water bottle easily :)

April 22: Earth Day targets plastic pollution

Plastic or planet? Let's make the right choices on April 22 ...and after

Earth Day on April 22 puts the urgency of taking action against plastic pollution back on the agenda, with a clear reminder: "plastic versus planet", we have to choose. 
The international Planet Earth association is calling for a 60% reduction in plastic production by 2040, and is thus relaying our recommendations (and those of scientists) who are calling for a drastic reduction in plastic production, the only long-term way out of the plastic pollution crisis (cleaning and recycling are necessary but insufficient solutions, as we can all see today!).

This one-day event will take place alongside the 4th session (of 5 planned) of negotiations for the international treaty against plastic pollution in Ottawa (April 21-30). 
Let's rise to the challenge, let's mobilize!

You want to take action:
<1/ Take your individual plastic footprint test, a useful prerequisite for any change: https://noplasticinmysea.org/questionnaire-test/

2/ Join the No Plastic Challenge and discover our tools dedicated to companies.  It's here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1TVtmJ5gpN9vw6tiscXjKhF4nKBdKY99MuyAWTVxwru0/edit
So, plastic or planet?

#GourdesRebellion survey: 218 establishments visited in 10 days update

#GourdesRebellion survey: 218 establishments visited in 10 days

To reduce the pollution caused by plastic bottles, it's essential that the use of water bottles be facilitated. The law requires stations, airports, shopping malls, cinemas... to deploy water points. We've carried out a survey... and .... we're a long way off. Full results to come in January. Happy holidays to all and sundry.

Our "Zero plastic bottles" project wins the Eau de Paris participative budget update

Our "Zero plastic bottles" project wins the Eau de Paris participative budget

Bye bye plastic bottles, so polluting (1st plastic waste in the environment!).
In order to spread the word about "Zero Plastic Bottle Solutions" to professional players and individuals of all ages, we're going to develop a website and an app for hydration on the move.
Join this project, which came first in the Eau de Paris participatory budget! Thanks to your support, we'll be able to make it even more impactful.
Find out more :) 

In France: recall the ambitious reduction and reuse targets to be met update

In France: recall the ambitious reduction and reuse targets to be met

At a meeting with Minister Christophe Béchu's cabinet, we and the associations FNE, Réseau Vrac et Réemploi, Surfrider Foundation and Zero Waste discussed: 
- Our expectations in terms of Reduction and Reuse, as these first two R's in the waste treatment hierarchy are paramount to taking action against plastic pollution.
- The target of a 50% reduction in plastic bottles by 2030, on which it is urgent to act when a +4% increase has been recorded in 2022. 
- The necessary support for packaging reuse and the follow-up to be given to the government's announcements on the deposit for reuse. 
- The importance of Olympic Games without single-use plastic.

Already 18,000 signatories for the #GourdeChercheFontaine petition update

Already 18,000 signatories for the #GourdeChercheFontaine petition

Did you know that plastic bottles are the number one waste product found on beaches? But it's easy to do without! All you have to do is fill up your water bottle.
This is one of the priority ecogestures of the No Plastic Challenge.
And the good news is that, since the beginning of 2022, establishments open to the public have been obliged to provide water fountains for as few as 300 people.
BUT.... 18 months later, the fountains have not been installed (much).
We have launched a petition to ensure that these fountains are finally opened.
You want to support us. Nothing could be simpler: https://agir.greenvoice.fr/petitions/message-aux-erp-ou-sont-les-30-000-points-d-eau-prevus-par-la-loi.

The No Plastic Challenge continues from September to November! update

The No Plastic Challenge continues from September to November!

After a very intense first wave, the No Plastic Challenge continues to mobilize all players (schools, companies, towns...) on a real "plastic sobriety".
We overproduce and overconsume plastic packaging, very often for single use. REDUCTION is essential if we are to curb the plastic pollution that is invading all ecosystems and having a growing impact on health. Did you know that? You ingest or inhale 5 grams of plastic a week, the equivalent of a bank card.
Supporting our project means acting at the source of plastic pollution!

Align customer loyalty and solidarity.
Let's start!