Job knowledge for young people from disadvantaged neighborhoods

A new president for Passion Proximité Parcours and new ambitions! update

A new president for Passion Proximité Parcours and new ambitions!

Passion Proximité Parcours, created in 2017, runs the Like ton Job program, a genuine stimulator of professional futures for young people from working-class neighborhoods through knowledge of professions and career paths. On March 27, its new board met for the first time at a general meeting.

On this occasion, strategic decisions were taken for the 2024-2025 school year. Develop awareness of its unique program, Like ton Job, by creating a committee of experts made up of players from the public and private sectors and setting up an annual event.

The board is made up of: Valérie GIRIÉ, General Secretary, Carole GRILLOT, President, Hélène MARCHETTI MAURI, Treasurer and Virginie PAVARD, Vice-President.

Discover their profiles and their motivations for stimulating the professional future of young people in this video.

Our new activity report is online! update

Our new activity report is online!

The 2022-2023 school year was marked by the consolidation of our field action with schools as well as territorial expansion. Key figures for the year: 

- 340 trades presented by as many Passeurs de Passion;
- 704 trade discovery sessions in classes;
- 67 beneficiary classes within 9 establishments;
- 1675 students accompanied; 
- 3 départements of implementation ;
- 87% of students feel that the program has enabled them to gain a better understanding of the world ; 
- 91% of Passeurs de Passion are ready to repeat the Like ton Job experience.

Partner establishments in 2022-2023: 

- Collège la Grange Aux Belles (Paris 10) ;
- Collège Daniel Mayer (Paris 18) ;
- Collège Alexandre Dumas (Paris 15) ;
- Collège Stéphane Mallarmé (Paris 17) ;
- Collège Georges Pompidou (Villeneuve-la-Garenne) ;
- Collège Colette Besson (Paris 20) ; 
- Lycée Maurice Ravel (Paris 20) ; 
- Collège Henri Wallon (Cité Éducative d'Aubervilliers) ;
- Collège Travail Langevin (Bagnolet).

Let's get ready for another year of action! update

Let's get ready for another year of action!

Dear Captains,

2023 has come to an end! For Like ton Job, it has been a year of consolidating our business information activities with our partner schools, whether REP/REP+ or Cités Educatives. It's with great pride that this year we reached a milestone with the support of 6,000 students since the launch of our program in 2017. An action made possible thanks to the mobilization of 1200 professional volunteers, the Passeurs de Passion.

2024 heralds new colors with new ambitions that we are carrying. These include a regional spin-off, opening the door to new departments in the greater Paris region. Indeed, from 2024, we'll be opening the program to Essonne (91) and Val-d'Oise (95), to help a greater number of young people better think about their professional futures. In particular, this first step will enable us to apprehend the challenges and constraints associated with a geographical location further away from headquarters, with a view to national coverage.

This wonderful adventure of intergenerational sharing of professional knowledge is made possible thanks to the support of volunteers who help us both financially and by becoming Passeurs de Passion.

Happy New Year 2024 with great Like ton Job adventures within REP/REP+ schools and Cités éducatives.

The Like ton Job team.

Carole Grillot, CEO and Founder of Like ton Job, was a guest on sqool tv's Grand JT de l'éducation.

"Having self-confidence means being aware of your choices and having the possibility of dreaming beyond the beaten path."

The observation made by Carole Grillot, founder of Like ton Job in 2017, was that this possibility of dreaming beyond limiting beliefs was not always guaranteed for young people from working-class neighborhoods. On the set of @Sqool Tv, she discussed the need for the Like ton Job program, a real instigator of chosen career paths. 

From 5th to 2nd grade, the program enables students from REP/REP+ and Cités éducatives schools to meet an eclectic and equal selection each year of 8 volunteer professionals, the "Passeurs de Passion", passing on the passion of their professions. In this way, Like ton Job allows these young people to benefit from a long period of maturation, enabling them to make an informed career choice. 🚀

🎥 Watch Carole Grillot's entire speech on YouTube.

We are proud to announce the support of 1100 students by Like ton Job this first quarter 2023-2024. update

We are proud to announce the support of 1100 students by Like ton Job this first quarter 2023-2024.

Since the start of the school year, we have continued to provide eclectic future prospects for young people from priority neighborhoods. Each year, the classes we support meet 8 professions presented by our volunteer professionals, the Passeurs de Passion. After 6 years of action in the field, resulting in the support of over 5,000 students in Paris, Hauts-de-Seine and Seine-Saint-Denis, the year 2022-2023 was marked by 704 hours of classroom intervention, heralding our ambitions for this year 2023-2024.

Now 1,100 students are benefiting from our program in 44 classes spread across REP/REP+ schools, Cités Éducatives, Etablissement Régional d'Enseignement Adapté and schools on the outskirts of priority education districts. 

Schools supported: 

Paris (75) : 

  • Collège Alberto Giacometti (REP - Paris 14)
  • Collège Alexandre Dumas (EREA - Paris 15)
  • Collège Daniel Mayer (REP - Paris 18)
  • Collège François Villon (REP - Paris 14)
  • Collège La Grange Aux Belles (REP - Paris 10)
  • Collège Ravel (Hors éducation prioritaire - Paris 20)
  • Lycée Maurice Ravel (Hors éducation prioritaire - Paris 20)

Hauts-de-Seine (92) : 

  • Collège Georges Pompidou (REP - Villeneuve-la-Garenne) 

Seine-Saint-Denis (93) : 

  • Collège Diderot (Cité Éducative d'Aubervilliers)
  • Collège Henri Wallon (Cité Éducative d'Aubervilliers)
  • Collège Jean Moulin (REP+)
  • Collège Travail Langevin (REP - Bagnolet)

A great adventure of discovery and sharing between volunteer professionals and curious students awaits us for the rest of this 2023-2024 school year.

New Like ton Job website update

New Like ton Job website

After a year full of challenges, the brand-new Like ton Job website has finally seen the light of day, sporting a brand-new graphic universe. This milestone marks a symbolic turning point in improving the engagement experience for our dynamic Passion Passers and partners. 
The improvements made are as follows: 
- A new graphic charter carefully designed to make the site more accessible, while adding a touch of modernity. 
- A space specially dedicated to the establishments we support, to strengthen our partnerships. 
- A personalized user experience for each Passeur de Passion, guaranteeing tailor-made navigation. 
We are delighted to invite you to explore our new website, designed to offer an enriching, tailor-made experience for all our users. Join us in this new adventure and discover how Like ton Job is renewing itself to collaborate better.
Discover the new website:

Align customer loyalty and solidarity.
Let's start!